Saturday, July 04, 2009

Proposal: Tourists have 120 Sprites between them. So where does that leave the Princess?

Passes 7-0. - Qwazukee

Adminned at 05 Jul 2009 22:02:03 UTC

If it exists, change the pair of sentences in the rule “Shine!” which currently read

The total number of shine sprites owned by all tourists and the tour guide must always be 120. No action can taken which causes the sum to be different from 120.


The total number of shine sprites owned by all tourists, the Princess, and the tour guide must always be 120. No action can taken which causes the sum to be different from 120, unless this rule is repealed at the same time.

Set the gamestate to what it would be if the proposal which created that rule had contained the corrected sentences, rather than the original sentences.

The Princess, although listed like a Tourist in the GNDT, is not a Tourist (per the ruleset). Therefore, an action that transfers sprites to the Princess, such as passing a proposal to that effect, cannot be taken because it would cause the sum to become unequal to 120. Therefore, some proposals didn’t pass despite being voted FOR, because the action of passing them would cause the sum to be different. The second change is because repealing the rule in question at the end of the dynasty would also cause the sum in question to be unequal to 120; therefore, the action of ascending and starting the next dynasty would also be impossible. People, please please be more careful about passing rules which make actions impossible. They have too much of a chance of affecting proposals, CFJs, etc.; at the very least, limit it to dynastic-rule-defined actions.


Darknight: Elder Judge he/him

04-07-2009 02:58:58 UTC


redtara: they/them

04-07-2009 03:51:41 UTC


arthexis: he/him

04-07-2009 04:14:55 UTC



04-07-2009 05:13:55 UTC



04-07-2009 10:29:33 UTC



05-07-2009 05:51:58 UTC

for Might’ve been a good CfJ. You think we need to change the new wording of the Glossary?

Also, what about Wilson?