Friday, December 29, 2023

Proposal: Travel Without Moving

Enacted popular, 7-0. Josh

Adminned at 30 Dec 2023 20:25:23 UTC

In the rule “The Dark Arts”, remove the text “A Nercromancer may change their Location to a different valid value as a daily action” if it exists, and add the following in the beginning of the subrule Locations:

At any time, a Necromancer may privately communicate to the Grim Reaper a Location and their desire to do one of the following:
-Travel to the chosen Location (the chosen Location must be Tower or its Area must be the same as the Necromancer’s current Location’s)
-Possess a Corpse in the chosen Location (the chosen Location must have a number of Corpses greater than zero)

Add a new bullet point to Sands of the Hourglass:

-for each Necromancer, find their latest valid private request since the most recent Sands of the Hourglass was performed. Then, resolve those requests, beginning with the oldest and continuing in chronological order, and for each of them, choose either of the following based on its contents:
—If the Necromancer wanted to Travel to a location, set their Location to that Location. If that Location is Tower, increase the Corpses of their previous Location by one.
—If the Necromancer wanted to Possess a Corpse, reduce their mana by one and set their Location to their chosen Location. Then, reduce the Corpses of that Location by one and, unless their previous Location was Tower, increase the Corpses of their previous Location by one. (Skip this option if the Necromancer has zero mana or there are no Corpses in the targeted Location)

In “Locations”, replace “Each Location has Effects, and may also have a number of Corpses.” with “Each Location has Effects, optionally an Area in which they are located, and may also have a number of Corpses.”

Set Graveyard’s Area to be Old Church. Add the following new locations:

| Dungeon | As a communal weekly action, any Necromancer may increase the Corpses of this Location by 5 | 5 | Ruined Castle ||

| Cellar | As a communal weekly action, any Necromancer may increase the Corpses of this Location by 3 | 3 | Haunted Mansion ||

| Beast’s Den | As a communal weekly action, any Necromancer may increase the Corpses of this Location by 3. Hourglass Action: the Necromancer loses DICE3 Shamblers of their choice from their Cohort and the Corpses of this Location is increased by the result of the dice roll | 3 | Dark Woods ||

If Library is a Location, set its Area to be Haunted Mansion. If Battlefield is a Location, set its Area to be Ruined Castle.

We’re Necromancers, we can’t just walk around like normal people do


JonathanDark: he/him

29-12-2023 16:04:35 UTC

There are a few issues:

* The proposed rule says “one of the following” among Travel to a Location or Possess a Corpse, yet the instructions for Possess a Corpse say “set their Location to their chosen Location”. Does Possession include travel as well? If so, it’s not really “one of the following”, but Possess a Corpse is an optional “in addition to Travel”

* What is the Area of the Tower? It’s not set in this Proposal so far, and yet “Each Location has Effects, an Area in which they are located…”. I think if you wanted the Tower to be a generic “hub”, then this could simply be changed to “optionally an Area in which they are located” or add “which may be empty” to Area.


JonathanDark: he/him

29-12-2023 16:08:26 UTC

Oops, I had a third bullet, but didn’t actually have a third issue to report.

Kevan: he/him

29-12-2023 16:13:23 UTC

Here’s one! “for each Necromancer” could use a clarification of the order in which the Necromancers are processed, if it’s possible for a Location to run out of Possessable Corpses midway through an Hourglass action.

I think it’s okay for Possession to change a player’s Location without technically counting as “Travel”, if the idea is that the Necromancer is abandoning their current physical form and taking future actions while piloting a specific corpse around. That if future rules restricted Travel through means of bad weather or iron bars, they wouldn’t automatically apply to the corpse ritual.


29-12-2023 16:47:06 UTC

Fixed the issues with the Tower and the processing order

Another reason why Possession and Travel should be separated is that they have different requirements. Combining them would mean more confusing if clauses

JonathanDark: he/him

29-12-2023 17:21:11 UTC

One last minor adjustment: “their latest valid private request” should also have “since the most recent Sands of the Hourglass was performed” so that it’s clear that an out-of-date request shouldn’t be re-used.

Vovix: he/him

29-12-2023 20:58:35 UTC

Ooh, neat. So thematically, we’re not physical humans walking around, we’re just spirits hopping from body to body. And then the Tower is where our spirit forms can exist on their own. Mechanically it’s a bit convoluted, but I love the flavor! for

Vovix: he/him

29-12-2023 20:59:07 UTC

And that’s the nice thing about flavor, it helps make complex mechanics intuitive to understand.

Ravenhearted: she/her

29-12-2023 21:35:48 UTC


Kevan: he/him

29-12-2023 22:01:57 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

30-12-2023 03:37:27 UTC


Josh: Imperator he/they

30-12-2023 14:43:05 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

30-12-2023 18:30:29 UTC
