Twenty-Second Game: Jumble vs Pokes
Jumble is the starting player. The Grand Canal is the Lightning. The Bersaglio is 21. All six Tricks are active.
Jumble is the starting player. The Grand Canal is the Lightning. The Bersaglio is 21. All six Tricks are active.
10 of Coins.
Now excuse me while I scream into a pillow and score 4 for Il Verme.
Game is Clean, 18 points to 17. Jumble wins 3 pegs, gaining 4 Magistrelli and then 2 Magistrelli and then 1 Magistrelli. Pokes loses 3 Pegs.
Correction: Game was a tie 18 to 18. Both players lost 3 Pegs instead.
Josh loses 2 pegs from his bet on someone who was not the Campione. I, as bookmaker, get 1 peg for having 0 people who bet on the Campione and 1 who didn’t.
Lulu: she/herIdle