Sunday, March 28, 2021

Twenty-Second Game: Jumble vs Pokes

Jumble is the starting player. The Grand Canal is the Lightning. The Bersaglio is 21. All six Tricks are active.

(The Environment)


Lulu: she/herIdle

28-03-2021 13:06:45 UTC


pokes: Idle

28-03-2021 13:41:48 UTC

I accept.

Lulu: she/herIdle

28-03-2021 14:14:43 UTC

6 of Batons.

Josh: he/they

28-03-2021 14:31:57 UTC

I’m betting on Jumble. Juice is 2.

Lulu: she/herIdle

28-03-2021 15:12:52 UTC


Josh: he/they

28-03-2021 15:15:40 UTC

4 minus 2, as one sfida has been accepted.

pokes: Idle

28-03-2021 16:56:05 UTC

I play the 9 of Swords.

Lulu: she/herIdle

28-03-2021 17:08:42 UTC

7 of Batons, 1 point for L’Aria

pokes: Idle

28-03-2021 17:12:14 UTC

Knight of Swords, 1 point for L’Aria.

Lulu: she/herIdle

28-03-2021 17:31:26 UTC

Knight of Batons, 2 from Il Propore and 1 from L’Aria.

pokes: Idle

28-03-2021 17:35:34 UTC

King of Swords, 2 from il Propore and 1 from l’Aria.

Lulu: she/herIdle

28-03-2021 18:03:11 UTC

Knight of Batons again, 2 from Il Propore.

pokes: Idle

28-03-2021 18:05:26 UTC

King of Swords again, 2 from il Propore and 1 from l’Aria.

Lulu: she/herIdle

28-03-2021 18:09:50 UTC

Knight of Cups, 4 from Tripletta

pokes: Idle

28-03-2021 18:15:48 UTC

King of Batons, 4 from Tripletta and 1 from l’Aria.

Lulu: she/herIdle

28-03-2021 18:29:28 UTC

Queen of Coins, 4 from Il Verme.

pokes: Idle

28-03-2021 19:00:04 UTC


Lulu: she/herIdle

28-03-2021 19:37:16 UTC


pokes: Idle

28-03-2021 19:45:07 UTC

King of Coins, 4 for Tripletta and 1 for l’Aria.

Lulu: she/herIdle

28-03-2021 19:57:19 UTC

10 of Coins.

Now excuse me while I scream into a pillow and score 4 for Il Verme.

Clucky: he/himIdle

28-03-2021 19:58:56 UTC

i declare myself this Game’s Bookmaker

pokes: Idle

28-03-2021 21:52:39 UTC

I play Magician and score 1 for l’Aria.

Kevan: he/himIdle

29-03-2021 09:11:10 UTC

Game is Clean, 18 points to 17. Jumble wins 3 pegs, gaining 4 Magistrelli and then 2 Magistrelli and then 1 Magistrelli. Pokes loses 3 Pegs.

Kevan: he/himIdle

29-03-2021 10:49:34 UTC

Correction: Game was a tie 18 to 18. Both players lost 3 Pegs instead.

Clucky: he/himIdle

29-03-2021 15:37:37 UTC

Josh loses 2 pegs from his bet on someone who was not the Campione. I, as bookmaker, get 1 peg for having 0 people who bet on the Campione and 1 who didn’t.