Proposal: We Will Interact!
It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours and cannot be Enacted. ~~Chronos Phaenon
Adminned at 09 Dec 2011 21:38:43 UTC
Add a new subrule to the rule “Routes”. Call it “Burglary” and give it the following text:
A Burglary Route has a scouting cost of 8. When a Driver Drives a Burglary Route, they transfer 1 Cash to themselves from each of up to 2 other Drivers.
Add a new subrule to the rule “Routes”. Call it “Construction” and give it the following text:
A Construction Route has a Scouting Cost of 3. When a Driver Drives a Construction Route, they gain 1 Cash, and may chose a set of Inactive Routes that satisfies the criterion that no Route in that set belongs to the same Driver as any other Route in that set. Each Route in the chosen set becomes Blocked.
Construction route has been expanded by a factor of two and made harder to read to get rid of a purported ambiguity that did not exist in the first place. Otherwise, this proposal is identical to the previous one.
Clucky: he/him