Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Proposal: weaker but still usable

popular/ timed out 2-0 with 1 unresolved DEF enacted by card

Adminned at 29 Mar 2019 17:58:40 UTC

Append to levels

The following atomic action is called Might Test:
*Choose 0 or 1 weapons in your inventory.
*Roll a DICE10 in the GNDT, specifying which weapon was chosen in the previous step in the GNDT comment.
*Calculate the Strength for this Might Test by adding the Adventurer’s Might, Support, the chosen weapon’s attack power (if it has one) and the result of the die roll from the previous step.

The Following atomic action is called a Magic Test:
*Choose 0 or 1 item in your inventory.
*Roll a DICE5 in the GNDT, specifying which item was chosen in the previous step in the GNDT comment.
*Calculate the Mana for this Magic Test by adding the Adventurer’s Magic, half of the Adventurer’s Support, the chosen item’s enchant power (if it has one) and the result o the die roll from the previous step.

In Hunting, replace

*Optionally choose a weapon in the Hunting Adventurer’s inventory to use.
*Generate a random number between 1 and 10 in the GNDT, specifying the Target and the weapon, if applicable, in the associated GNDT comment. This is the Strength.
*Increase the Strength by the weapon’s attack power, if applicable.
*Increase the Strength by the Hunting Adventurer’s support.
*Increase the Strength by the Hunting Adventurer’s might.


*Perform a Might Test or a Magic Test.

replace “If the Strength is greater than or equal to the Target’s hit points:” with

If the Strength or Mana is greater than or equal to the Target’s hit points:

Replace “Add the Strength to that Adventurer’s Support.” with

Add the Strength or half of the Mana to that Adventure’s Support”

Append to Items
“Items with “enchant power” are enchanted.”

Change the first modifier of Dark Staff to
“Enchant power: 4”

Add to the list of items

===Runed Knife===
‘’This type of knife is usually made as the first introduction to enchanting items for apprentice Wizards.’’
* Enchant power: 2

Add to the list of trades

*1 Small Tusk + 15 coins -> 1 Runed Knife

Add to the list of Spells

===Chain Lightning—Level 2—CC 3===
*Make a Magic Test and include in the GNDT comment of the die roll a list of up to 3 different monsters in your current location. Add to your Mana the number of targets you chose. You are considered to have hunted the third Monster with one fourth of the calculated Mana, the second Monster with one half of the calculated Mana and the first Monster with the total amount of Mana calculated for this spell. Update the game state accordingly.


derrick: he/him

28-03-2019 16:29:42 UTC


Its not a bad idea. I don’t like tracking enchant power separately from attack power, but it makes some sense, and making them slightly more expensive isn’t a bad idea either.


29-03-2019 16:23:27 UTC

“Chain Lightning” is kind of against the spirit of spells not having an attack power, but at this point, I just want them to be useful.


29-03-2019 17:50:19 UTC

Well a spell can’t have an attack power anyway since its not an item. I don’t see how you’d expect someone who went high into Magic to defeat the higher HP monsters without using some sort of spell. Besides, this one specifically doesn’t actually boost attack power; all it lets you do is “attack” 3 monsters which you could have done anyway with the 3 AP spent to cast it and possibly have better results.