Proposal: Well, That Shortened the Queue
Self-kill. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 05 Mar 2015 16:35:49 UTC
Apply all ruleset changes proposed by the failed proposal “Back Again in the DHSS”.
Apply all ruleset changes proposed by the failed proposal “Seasonal Adjustment”.
Apply all ruleset changes proposed by the failed proposal “Seasonal Affective Order”, unless the Astrologer has included the words “but don’t enact Seasonal Affective Order” in a comment on this proposal.
Apply all ruleset changes proposed by the failed proposal “Colder Readings”, unless the Astrologer has included the words “but don’t enact Colder Readings” in a comment on this proposal.
Then move the sentence “Then, the Townsperson who called the Day of Observance removes the Workplace and Acumen of every Townsperson.” so that it appears immediately after the bulleted list of Workplaces in the rule “Workplaces”.
Then move the paragraph beginning “Then, the Townsperson who called the Day of Observance should post a blog entry” so that it appears immediately after “Then, the Townsperson who called the Day of Observance removes the Workplace and Acumen of every Townsperson.”
So: I had to self-kill Back Again in the DHSS because Garbage Disposal v2 hit Super Quorum and inserted a paragraph at a point in the Workplaces rule that would have caused Workplaces to reset every time someone took out the trash (allowing players to reroll Acumen endlessly). Which I should have caught when proposing “Back Again”.
Seasonal Adjustment has a similar problem (taking out trash causes the seasons to change), and self-killing that also kills off the dependent proposal Seasonal Affective Order, which kills off Colder Readings. Which in turn kills off Fatality.
It’s a mess, but just reenacting all of the latter (except Fatality) is maybe the cleanest solution. Fatality has had pretty much nothing but DEFs so far, so should probably be reproposed from scratch - Seasonal Affective Disorder seems popular enough, and Colder Readings only has AGAINSTs from players who mistakenly thought we already had a prophecy system (they were all self killed), so I’ll give an option for the Astrologer to unplug either of those two in votes.
I voted against “Colder Readings” because:
“Still, I personally feel we have enough basic gameplay elements and should start with some actions, let alone some kind of goal…”
The prophecy had been mentioned before.
What shall I make of these accumulation if I voted against one and for others? Also, there’s even a chain of “Apply all ruleset changes” in here, since “Back again in the DHSS” already was a fix for a previous Proposal.
This type of “remote ruleset changes”, in my opinion, make the whole proposal so complex and unreadable that I cannot in good conscience say that I understand what it does. Therefor: