Proposal: Without Fear or Favour [Core]
Timed out and failed, 3-5. Josh
Adminned at 30 Dec 2023 14:34:31 UTC
In “Fair Play”, replace “A Necromancer should not trade actions in BlogNomic for favors or compensation outside of BlogNomic, nor trade actions in any other game for favors within BlogNomic.” with:-
A Necromancer should not trade actions in the current BlogNomic dynasty for favors or compensation outside of that dynasty (including in other games and past and future BlogNomic dynasties), nor trade actions in any other game for favors within BlogNomic.
Raising the cross-dynastic favour question back up, given that it timed out with an unclear consensus over the seasonal downtime.
The last two dynasties ended on sudden cross-dynastic favours: Clucky IX saw Snisbo kingmake Vovix from a losing position in exchange for agreeing some general future payback; Vovix I had JonathanDark cashing in an explicit favour “chit” from an unspecified past dynasty to compel a free assist from Josh. With favours now in the open, it seems like our two options are to either:
- Accept formal favours as part of the metagame for every dynasty. Players can win games by selling or cashing in long-term favours. Peter can throw a dynasty they can’t otherwise win to make Paul the victor, on the agreement that Paul will do the same in return during a future one. Seen as moves in one big game, this becomes something for players to consider tactically: if Peter and Paul are both playing the same dynasty a year later, alert players should remember the outstanding favour and consider limits on Paul being able to trade directly to Peter, etc. (This was happening to some extent last dynasty with players being cautious about giving Vovix any freely usable King powers, in case they used them to pay back the favour to Snisbo.)
- Reject formal favours and say that each BlogNomic dynasty should stand alone. There’ll be the same kind of social dynamics you’d get from any recurring boardgame night - a generally visible network of trust and antagonism just from reading the room, with maybe some friendly advice to new players about the regulars’ preferred tactics and foibles - but nothing deeper or more formal than that. If I went to a boardgames evening and a long game of Catan ended with a massive kingmaking trade, cheerfully explained as being pre-agreed payback for a similar kingmake in a game I wasn’t there for in 2017, I wouldn’t be impressed.
I don’t think we gain much from an ongoing metagame of favours traded between long-term players - it seems like a diminishing of the dynastic game, where a dynasty’s own short-term tactical alliances will often be less important than who had which favours banked. And it definitely feels healthier for BlogNomic as a whole if a surprising endgame can be immediately shrugged off to play a new game on a blank slate, rather than having half the table add “December 2023, Paul made unusual move which let Peter win = favour?” to their tangled string pinboard of cross-dynastic metagameplay.
Josh: Imperator he/they
Still against; this hasn’t been adapted in any way to address the concerns raised in the list post or in the discussion on discord.