Proposal: World
5-0. Reached Quorum—Excalabur
Adminned at 10 Aug 2005 18:45:22 UTC
Add a rule, named World:
The World consists of a collection of numbered, ordered Squares. A Square may receive a name, besides its ordinal number. Squares are listed in the Wiki, in a page named World, which is part of the Gamestate.
Each Player occupies exactly one Square, which is tracked by the GNDT. There is no limit to the number of Players that may occupy the same Square. Players can Move from one Square to another, whenever a rule allows em to. A Move from one Square to the next sequential Square shall be known as Advancing; all other Moves are Jumps. If a Player on the last sequential Square Advances, that Player immediately Moves to the first sequential Square.
Create a Wiki page named World, listing 20 squares, numbered from 0 to 19. Give the Square 0 the name “Go”.
Create a GNDT field Square, and give it the value of 0 for all players.
it’s nice to have you back in blognomic chronos! I think this might be better represented as a table in the wiki. Could make a grid of squares? But let’s try it for now.