Proposal: You still can’t take it with you
At 2-6, cannot pass. Failed by Brendan.
Adminned at 19 Jul 2021 23:45:35 UTC
Reword the sentence “Upon Dracula being Dusted (as described in the rule “Ritual Chambers”), then the Vampire Lord with the most Blood Mana Crystals (tiebroken by most Influence, and tiebroken by most Puissance if there’s still a tie) at that time achieves victory.” in the rule “Victory” as follows:
Upon Dracula being Dusted (as described in the rule “Ritual Chambers”), then the non-Dust Vampire Lord with the most Blood Mana Crystals (tiebroken by most Influence, and tiebroken by most Puissance if there’s still a tie) at that time achieves victory.
Okay, trying this without the kingmaker element. But it really doesn’t make sense that if both Player X and Dracula are dust, Player X wins.
Clucky: he/him
Didn’t we already vote this down?
“You got unlucky and got dusted in the last run so you don’t win” is a bad way to lose a dynasty