Monday, July 19, 2021

Proposal: You still can’t take it with you

At 2-6, cannot pass. Failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 19 Jul 2021 23:45:35 UTC

Reword the sentence “Upon Dracula being Dusted (as described in the rule “Ritual Chambers”), then the Vampire Lord with the most Blood Mana Crystals (tiebroken by most Influence, and tiebroken by most Puissance if there’s still a tie) at that time achieves victory.” in the rule “Victory” as follows:

Upon Dracula being Dusted (as described in the rule “Ritual Chambers”), then the non-Dust Vampire Lord with the most Blood Mana Crystals (tiebroken by most Influence, and tiebroken by most Puissance if there’s still a tie) at that time achieves victory.

Okay, trying this without the kingmaker element. But it really doesn’t make sense that if both Player X and Dracula are dust, Player X wins.


Clucky: Puzzle Master he/him

19-07-2021 05:20:05 UTC

Didn’t we already vote this down?

“You got unlucky and got dusted in the last run so you don’t win” is a bad way to lose a dynasty


Clucky: Puzzle Master he/him

19-07-2021 05:22:02 UTC

I’m also rather hesitant that there might be some mass “Everyone gets dusted” scam out there (which would then enable an idle person to come up, win, and share victory with the person who found the scam and triggered the everyone is dusted), especially with how hard Brendan is pushing for this

Chiiika: she/her

19-07-2021 05:52:07 UTC


Josh: he/they

19-07-2021 08:12:29 UTC

for It makes sense to me.

Raven1207: he/they

19-07-2021 09:07:19 UTC


Lulu: she/her

19-07-2021 10:26:45 UTC



19-07-2021 12:48:16 UTC

against Being Dusted is a very temporary condition: having it affect the victory condition really doesn’t make sense (except possibly as a tiebreak, but it already is taken into account in the tiebreak). It wouldn’t work out for the victory condition to randomly change based on who got dusted on Richardo’s last run specifically, because being dusted at any other time wouldn’t have any impact on this at all.

Kevan: he/him

19-07-2021 15:56:51 UTC

against Too much of a crapshoot when an adventurer could potentially stake anyone during any run.