Saturday, January 30, 2021

Proposal: A Great Many Disputes

Enacts 6-0 after 48 hours. -Bucky

Adminned at 01 Feb 2021 22:35:29 UTC

Create a new Treaty, “Territorial Disputes Treaty”, and give it the following text:

A “Power” shall be defined as a Signatory of this rule. A “Latent Power” shall be defined as a idle Emperor who is or has previously been a Signatory of this rule.

The purpose of this treaty is to facilitate negotiation of Disputed Territories. Each Disputed Territory has a Name, a numeric Population, a Parties list that is a list of Powers and Latent Powers known or suspected to be involved in the dispute, and a record of which Armies and Ships are Allocated to the territory. Disputed Territories’ information is recorded in this Treaty’s section of the Treaty Appendices.

There are initially no Disputed Territories. As an atomic Weekly Action, a Power may Serve Notice of a Disputed Territory. When they do, they take the following steps in order:
* He generates the Population by first rolling dividing 10 Million by DICE1000, rounding down, to determine a Magnitude, then rolling 2DICEX where X is that Magnitude, to determine the Population.
* He generates the Name, by choosing a random word from the list {"City", "Plains", "Island", "Province", "Colony", "Mount", "Port"}, choosing two words neither from that list, nor from “Town Valley” nor from the name of an existing Disputed Territory, and placing the random word before the two chosen words if it’s “Mount” or “Port” and after them otherwise. If the random word was “Province” or “City” and the Population is under 10,000, replace it with “Valley” or “Town”, respectively.
* He adds himself to the Parties list and randomly selects two other Powers to add to the Parties List.

A new Power who is not a Latent Power, and who Signed this Treaty after at least one Disputed Territory existed, shall, at his earliest convenience, roll a DICE3 for each Disputed Territory and add himself to its Parties List if the result is a 1. If he does not do so within 48 hours, any Signatory may do so on his behalf.

If a Power is also a Signatory to the Arms Disclosure Treaty, he may Allocate up to one Army to each Disputed Territory he is a Party to, plus an additional Army for each hundred thousand Population of that Territory. He may also Allocate Ships to any Disputed Territory with the word “Island” or “Port” in its Name, or unallocate any Ships that have been thus Allocated for more than a week.

A Latent Power’s Armies and Ships remain allocated to a Disputed Territory, although a non-idle former Signatory may unallocate their Ships as though they were still a Power.



Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

31-01-2021 00:25:27 UTC


Clucky: he/him

31-01-2021 07:02:34 UTC



31-01-2021 11:22:16 UTC


Darknight: he/him

31-01-2021 12:05:16 UTC


Brendan: he/him

01-02-2021 18:46:24 UTC
