Proposal: Absence of Impurity
Quorum of Against votes reached, so fails 0-5—Clucky
Adminned at 18 Jul 2021 22:15:17 UTC
In “Power Actions”, append the following:
Cleansing is a Power Action with a cost of 2.
The Vampire Lord carrying out this action chooses any Lit Room with no effects that is not a Ritual Chamber or a Sepulchre. That room is immediately Sanctified.
In “The Crypt of Dracula”, change
and a set of Effects (no two of which may be the same as each other);
and a set of Effects (no two of which may be the same as each other, and which must contain at least one Effect that is not “This room is Familiar”);
Making blank rooms be Purifiable, and a patch to prevent players from spamming Purified rooms.
Clucky: he/him
i think sanctifying rooms should cost something