Thursday, August 27, 2020

Proposal: Ace of Base

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 29 Aug 2020 19:53:15 UTC

In the rule Crafting, change the sentence ‘Each Craft recipe has Materials, Tools and Output, listed below as “Materials + Tools = Output”:’ to read:

Each Craft recipe has Components, Apparatus and Output. Each Craft recipe must be rendered in the format “Components + Apparatus = Output”. Components may be Materials, Products or Equipment; Apparatus must be Equipment. The known Craft recipes can be found below.

In the same rule, change the line “A Pathfinder who is carrying both the Materials and Tools for a Craft recipe can spend 1 Stamina to stop carrying its Materials and start carrying its Output. If any of the Tools are Single-Use, the Pathfinder also stops carrying them, as if they were Materials.” to read:

A Pathfinder who is carrying both the Components and Apparatus for a Craft recipe can spend 1 Stamina to stop carrying its Components and start carrying its Output. If any of the Apparatus are Single-Use, the Pathfinder also stops carrying them.

Add the following to the list of recipes in the same rule:

Probe and any Equipment + Rappel Cords = Loaded Probe [x], where x is the Equipment used as a Component other than the required Probe

In the rule The Probaliser, change all instances of the word ‘Probe’ to ‘Probe or Loaded Probe’. Add the following as a final step to the Using the Probaliser atomic action:

If a Loaded Probe was expended to use the Probaliser, set the Equipment in square brackets in its name as the Gear of the newly created base.

Reproposal of Loaded Base that doesn’t break existing recipes


Raven1207: he/they

27-08-2020 19:41:57 UTC


derrick: he/him

27-08-2020 19:59:59 UTC

Materials still don’t exist. Why is loading a probe linked to rewriting crafting?

Lulu: she/her

28-08-2020 02:30:40 UTC


Riggdan: he/him

28-08-2020 06:45:09 UTC


Kevan: he/him

28-08-2020 09:38:48 UTC

imperial “Components + Apparatus” are maybe slightly better keywords than “Materials + Tools”; I’m puzzled by the Loaded Probe stuff that just lets you fire one of your own objects into a random place, where anyone can potentially steal it.

derrick: he/him

28-08-2020 13:16:01 UTC

against Josh is really anxious to rewrite crafting while appearing to do something else for some reason.

Kevan: he/him

28-08-2020 17:17:57 UTC

against CoV to against as I’m less and less sure what this proposal actually adds to the game.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

29-08-2020 11:32:46 UTC

@derrick It’s not “for some reason” and I’m not anxious. I just think that the crafting rule needs to be clearer, particularly because I’ve come unstuck on it three times now.

@Kevan - the loaded probes thing is it. Not sure that it needs a computer against but it is pretty thin so fair enough.

against s/k, in any case

Kevan: he/him

29-08-2020 14:03:29 UTC

I find myself drifting back into that uncomfortable Emperor space where there are a lot of silent DEF votes and I don’t know whether they mean “I want the Emperor to decide whether this improves the game” or “I defer to the majority of players”.