Activity Report for Nov, the 7th
I just used:
- 2 Quintessence to get 2 new powers
- Universal Moves (Destroyed a Temple in Ur to found Dodona)
- Genesis at Dodona (Making its very first Temple)
- Adoration at each one of the Greek cities (Doriath, Ur, Gwynedd, Babylon, New Olympia, Athens, Sparta and Dodona)
- Awesome Adoration at each one of the cities with 500 or more Greek Worshippers (Doriath, Ur, Gwynedd, Babylon, New Olympia, Athens and Sparta)
- Awesome Glimpse at each one of the cities with 1.000 or more Geek Worshippers (Doriath, Ur, Gwynedd, Babylon, New Olympia and Athens)
- Awesome Adoration in some cities with 500 or more Greek Worshippers to create temples to “The One who Kills” (New Olympia, Athens and Sparta)