Saturday, April 14, 2018

Proposal: Actual Metadynasty post, not just an activity post. Also known as “Would you rather pick pi or phi?”

timed out 2-3 failed by card

Adminned at 17 Apr 2018 02:54:21 UTC

Fail all proposals, repeal all Dynastic Rules not titled “Swifter Than The Admins”, and repeal “Mutual Victory”.
Declare a meta-dynasty themed as below:
If the largest plurality of people have the string “1.6180339887498948482045868” in their comment, declare the metadynasty of Two Rooms and a Boom.
If the largest plurality of people have the string “3.14159265358979323846264338” in their comment, declare the metadynasty of the Resistance.
Ties should be randomly broken.

Actual serious proposal this time. Also, hit the title limit.



14-04-2018 22:48:57 UTC

I am unfamiliar with both games.  against


15-04-2018 03:33:25 UTC

I’ve only played The Resistance.

Thunder: he/him

15-04-2018 22:32:48 UTC

The links should give a quick summary.


16-04-2018 02:24:10 UTC

for  3.14159265358979323846264338 - Pi is the better number :)


16-04-2018 05:37:21 UTC

i’m not a huge fan of hidden information nomic games after the First Dynasty of Sphinx

Thunder: he/him

16-04-2018 14:36:34 UTC


Card, what didn’t you like about it?


16-04-2018 19:50:35 UTC



17-04-2018 02:53:26 UTC

maybe it was because that dynasty dragged on so long due to complications about Sphinx having the necessary information to tell whether someone could declare victory or not