Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ascension Address: Alecto Electa - Dynasty of Dark Divinities

Millenia ago, Juppiter and Juno ruled the minds of men, and held sway over a Pantheon of major and minor gods.  But who now remembers the Celestial Tyrants?  No more do men live in fear of Dis Pater, no more is the turning of seasons recognised as Ceres’ sorrow for Proserpina.

But look at these people!  They labour yet under the burden of minor divinities.  My sisters and I play a part in their suffering - Unceasing Anger, Grudging, Avenged Murder.  The Muses bring them happiness still, when it is not snatched away from them by Egestes or raving Discordia.

And we awake again…

Repeal all Dynastic Rules, and replace “Headmaster” with “Imperatrix” and “Student” with “Divinity” throughout the Ruleset.

Don’t know if the repealing phrase is needed, but it sounds nice :P


Roujo: he/him

30-11-2010 12:56:16 UTC

It was necessary until recently. =P

Roujo: he/him

30-11-2010 13:24:34 UTC

Also, I don’t know if it’s legal to do this, but you should file this under the “Ascension Address” post category so that it pops up on my RSS reader. =P

Kevan: he/him

30-11-2010 13:31:35 UTC

It’s already in the category, and it’s showing in the RSS feed for me.

Roujo: he/him

30-11-2010 13:46:28 UTC

Ah… Well it shows up now. As it appeared a few minutes after I posted this, I thought someone fixed it. Maybe it was just lag. =P
Sorry. =P

Roujo: he/him

30-11-2010 13:51:15 UTC

I just checked my RSS reader, and I received the update at 8:25 EST, so 13:25 UTC - around a minute after my comment. I should have waited a few minutes more. =P

Kevan: he/him

30-11-2010 14:00:39 UTC

Maybe it only generates the RSS feed periodically, or when someone pings the site.