Proposal: All my failed Proposals in one Proposal with stuff hopefully fixed (haters invited)
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 02 Mar 2015 10:18:05 UTC
In a new paragraph in the Rule “Horoscopes” add the following:-
Birthsigns’ elements are connected to Weather Conditions if they are next to the same number in the Ruleset (The Eel is connected to Sun, The Bee is connected to Rain, etc.) Each Townsperson is Energized(X) where X is the number of elements in the Townsperson’s Birthsign that are connected to the Weather Condition that is in effect.
After the list in the Rule “Workplaces”, add the following:-
Any Townsperson that has a Workplace may throw out their trash by removing X non-Human, non-Plague Things from their Home (Where X is a positive integer). If they do so, they must then roll YDICE20 and give themselves a number of Plagues equal to the number of 1s they rolled, where Y is 2X if the Townsperson is a Farmer, Y is 0 if the Townsperson is a Clerk, and Y is X if the Townsperson is neither a Farmer nor a Clerk.
In the Rule Workplaces, change “If it is Autumn, and if there are three Farmers, then each Townsperson gains one Vegetable.” to the following:-
If it is Autumn, and if there are exactly three or four Farmers, then each Townsperson gains one Vegetable.
In the Rule “Vocabulary”, create a new bullet point in the list in that rule. Have it contain the following text:-
Any consecutive string of variables (such as XY or XYZ) is considered to be the product of those variables.
Birth-signs can determine personality traits like what kind of weather you like.
The flavor for why a Townsperson needs a workplace to take out the trash is because otherwise they are too lazy.
The reason there need to be exactly 3 or 4 farmers is because if there are too many farmer the land isn’t used as (it is overused, there is more competition amongst the different farms (potentially running them into the ground) and also their is less potential for mono-cropping) so it is more practical to have a moderate number of members in the society devoted to farming and the rest can work in IT.
Product means you multiply the numbers together.
Note: Don’t vote on this for a sec I’m changing someting^^^^