Proposal: [Appendix] Poacher turned gamekeeper
Self killed. Dk
Adminned at 20 Feb 2020 15:45:05 UTC
Change the text of the appendix rule Rules and Proposals from “If a wiki page becomes gamestate as a result of a Proposal enacting, that page shall – unless otherwise specified – be reverted to whatever state it was in at the time of that Proposal’s submission (and if the page did not exist at that time, it shall be blanked)” to “Any page on the BlogNomic wiki that is linked to or cited in a pending votable matter is gamestate, although it should be considered to have no properties or content for the purposes of all other existing rules.”
This has way broader effects than I think is intended.
You can make a Pending Votable matter at any moment, and link or cite something in it.
Basically, you can turn any wikipage into formal, game-legal Gamestate at any time. I’m not too sure how comfortable I am with that.