Proposal: Applegate
Quorums 1-3. — Quirck
Adminned at 06 Sep 2012 12:13:35 UTC
In the rule “Upgrades”, change the text
Input: 2 Empty Pies. Output: 1 Portal Pie
Input: 1 Empty Pie and 1 Apple Pie. Output: 1 Portal Pie
and the text
Input: 1 Empty Pie, 1 Warp Pie. Output: 1 Magnetic Pie
Input: 1 Apple Pie, 1 Warp Pie. Output: 1 Magnetic Pie
Apple pies are currently lacking, err, flavor. This makes them the ‘tech precursor’ pie.
One of the most important aspects of the Portal pie is that it gives its target 2 Empties at the end, which equates to raw materials for another Portal. This change would double the amount of screw-age that comes with getting Portaled, so I can’t support.
Plus, this makes Magnets and Portals just that much harder to get…and upgrades take long enough now as is :-P.