Saturday, November 06, 2010

Proposal: Apprentice wand

Fails per s/k. - lilomar

Adminned at 07 Nov 2010 15:52:47 UTC

Add a new rule, “Casting spells”:

As a weekly action, each Student may Request to Cast a Spell. A Student’s Grade in the spell’s Subject defines a cost. The costs are 2 for A+, 3 for A, 4 for B, 5 for C. Having a grade of D, E, F or “-” precludes spellcasting. The student will send a private message to the Headmaster with the subject “Spell: [STUDENT] casts [SPELL] on [TARGET]”.

As soon as possible the Headmaster will reply with a Result, determined by counting Success points: roll a DICE6 and subtract the cost. If the Result is greater than zero, the spell succeeds and the Headmaster performs the spell’s Outcome, then informs the student via private message. If the spell fails (Result is zero or less), or the student is not allowed to cast his spell, the Headmaster will reply with that information.

As a weekly action, the Headmaster will post a “Revelation” blog message, listing the Spell Requests since the previous Revelation, or all spell requests if no such posting has previously been made. Spell results are not posted.

Add a new rule, “Spell book”:

Each Spell has a corresponding Subject, Outcome, and any number of Conditions:

  • Imaginatur (DIV) - For each Success point, show the Spellcaster one card of the target Dormitory’s hand. May only be cast by Alive students.
  • Vocatus (BST) - For each Success point, a Nomich Beast is summoned, and decrements the target Dormitory’s Score. May only be cast by Zombies.
  • Maledictus (LAT) - For each Success point, a Zombie from target Dormitory (if any) is hit by explosive curses and becomes a Ghost.

If the proposal titled “We want Crystal Balls, not war” failed, remove the spell “Imaginatum” from the “Spell book” rule above.


Students are eager to try out their newfound knowledge, with or without faculty supervision.


Josh: he/they

06-11-2010 12:27:17 UTC

imperial I like it, but it may be a lot of work for the Headmaster, so I’ll defer to his wishes.


06-11-2010 14:06:20 UTC


Kevan: he/him

06-11-2010 14:22:45 UTC

imperial Seems a lot of unnecessary (and game-slowing) work for the Headmaster - apart from Imaginatur, there’s no real need for him to be involved.


06-11-2010 14:29:44 UTC

I was afraid of that. How could it be done better, considering thete is a die roll involved?


06-11-2010 14:41:43 UTC


Kevan: he/him

06-11-2010 14:44:03 UTC

[Undef] Ah, we can use GNDT comments to roll dice in a verifiable way - see the Dice entry in the Keywords glossary.

Brendan: he/him

06-11-2010 15:11:11 UTC

I like the theme here, but yes, most of this could be done without my intervention. Also, Dormitories don’t have Scores, as that part of Josh’s prop didn’t pass—did you mean to reduce the score of their Nomich play? Timing might get tricky in that case.

Other thoughts: it might be neat to have only Ghosts cast Imaginatur, and I’ll probably come up with some nasty penalty for rolling negative success points.

against But I’d be in favor of a fixed version.

Roujo: he/him

06-11-2010 15:32:31 UTC

imperial Per you guys =P


06-11-2010 16:32:10 UTC


Darknight: he/him

06-11-2010 19:42:45 UTC



07-11-2010 00:12:10 UTC

imperial Brendan’s choice if he wants to do the paperwork. He doesn’t seem super interested at this time, but I guess he can change his mind.


07-11-2010 04:19:49 UTC



07-11-2010 06:16:59 UTC



07-11-2010 08:11:16 UTC



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07-11-2010 23:15:06 UTC
