Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Battle of the Nomics (Draft)

Create a new rule called “Factions”:

There exist three Factions called BLO, GNO and MIC, respectively. For each one of these factions, there exists a Ruleset and a Gamestate to which those rules apply. Every rule existing in the Blognomic ruleset is considered implicit in each Faction’s Ruleset, even if not written on it. Rules existing only in a Faction’s Ruleset have no effect outside that Faction’s Gamestate and Ruleset.

This implies that a Player CAN win in a Faction, indeed becoming Emperor for that faction, but not for the whole game.

Create a new rule called “Membership”:

Each Player may belong to at most one Faction. This shall be tracked in a GNDT column named Faction. As a weekly action, a Player who is not the Emperor may change their Faction to any one of the three valid Factions. A Player is not considered to be so by a Faction’s Ruleset unless that Player’s Faction is the same as the Ruleset’s Faction.

Whenever a Player makes an official post with the text “[Faction]” at the beginning of its subject, then that post shall be known as a Faction Post and is considered to be made only within the context of the Ruleset and Gamestate for that Player’s Faction. Otherwise, it is considered to be made within the Ruleset and Gamestate of Blognomic as a whole.

Faction Posts cannot be made if the Player’s Faction has less than three Players.





17-12-2008 07:15:21 UTC

Should leaving a faction be treated as “idle”, to that faction?  IE: State is saved if they leave (ps would this mean immutable, in both the original ruleset or in these factions?).

If one or more values would be undefined when they return, it is set to the value new Characters receive, if such a value exists.

arthexis: he/him

17-12-2008 07:26:38 UTC

Sure, that be a good addition!


17-12-2008 08:25:14 UTC

How about a DICE3 to determine one’s faction?


17-12-2008 08:26:44 UTC

oze: i’d just be worried that a faction would be likely to end up with only 1 or 2 members


17-12-2008 08:34:46 UTC

How to faction rules work against the base rules?  They can’t modify other faction rules but can they override the base rules?
If not, we probably need to let factions capture players or become exclusive.

How about “a Player who is not the Emperor may change their Faction to any one of the three valid Factions unless otherwise stated either their current faction’s ruleset, or by that faction’s ruleset”

Amnistar: he/him

17-12-2008 12:17:56 UTC

You don’t need to specify to much.  Specific beats general so, if we have a general rule saying you can change your faction whenever, and a specific rule saying that you can’t change your faction if you’re a member of BLO, you’re kosher.

Amnistar: he/him

17-12-2008 12:38:15 UTC

“A Player is not considered to be so by a Faction’s Ruleset unless that Player’s Faction is the same as the Ruleset’s Faction. “

Seems confusing to me.

Perhaps a player is not considered to be a member of a Faction’s Gamestate unless that Player’s Faction is the same as the Ruleset’s Faction.

Something like that.

arthexis: he/him

17-12-2008 15:28:45 UTC

What about this:

“A Player is considered to be Idle within each Faction that is not his or her Faction”

arthexis: he/him

17-12-2008 15:57:14 UTC

Or rather:

A Player is considered to be Idle in each Faction that is not er current Faction.

Hello Sailor:

17-12-2008 17:34:40 UTC

Brainstorming here, but I like the idea of the main rule being written more like this:

There exist three Factions called “BLO”, “GNO”, and “MIC” (respectively); each of which is a nomic with its own Ruleset and Gamestate.  The Rulesets for the Factions can be found at [url1], [url2], and [url3] (respectively).  The Gamestates of the respective Factions are defined to be any information which the respective Rulesets regulate the alteration of; with the additional requirement that a Faction’s Ruleset is not permitted to regulate the alteration of any information already contained in the Gamestate of another nomic, unless the rules of the nomic in question explicitly permit that regulation by that Faction.

I’m thinking that the initial Rulesets for each faction should simply be “This is the Ruleset for [FACTION]; all members of this nomic shall obey it, and shall obey the Ruleset for Blognomic.”

I don’t think that Blognomic really needs to do too much regulation of how each Faction handles itself; Blognomic only needs rules about how they are allowed to legally interact (legal here meaning legal within Blognomic), and what effects each Faction has on the overall Blognomic Gamestate.


17-12-2008 18:03:51 UTC

I believe something similar to this was done in the Gostak Metadynasty, with Bank Charters, etc.

arthexis: he/him

17-12-2008 20:07:06 UTC

@HS: I like the definition of gamestate you give however I think that the virtual rulesets MUST implicitly contain the global ruleset, otherwise, there is no way they will ever intersect. You also get freebies in like allowing proposals, defining keywords and all that. Othwerwise, they will not be playable. I agree that no much regulation is actually needed on the factions, either.

arthexis: he/him

17-12-2008 20:08:38 UTC

The Idle part is to make sure that players really belong just to one Faction (unles of course, the rules of the faction specify otherwise), if not, there is no real sense of team, and no sense in trying to do cool stuff in your faction to try and get more people into it.

arthexis: he/him

17-12-2008 20:10:16 UTC

And sorry for the triple post, I just wanted to add one final thing: the true global victory condition should be defined by at least two factions, take a close look at the way this is worded:

“Rules existing only in a Faction’s Ruleset have no effect outside that Faction’s Gamestate and Ruleset.”

This implies that if a rule is defined exactly the same in 2 or more faction rulesets, it does apply beyond those rulesets.


17-12-2008 20:17:10 UTC

way to point out an exploit i was hopin to use >:|


17-12-2008 20:18:32 UTC

XD not that i mind terribly

arthexis: he/him

17-12-2008 20:33:35 UTC

Yeah, well, just to let you know it was not worded like that accidentally ;)


17-12-2008 22:19:01 UTC

My 2 cents worth:

I think that we should be able to join any of the three nomics, but have one Allegiance statistic tracked in Blognomic that can only be changed once so that you don’t have people rushing to the stronger nomic as soon as their nomic is about to go down.

This way you can have a lot of politicking and alliances going on between the nomics.


18-12-2008 06:46:45 UTC
