Battle of the Nomics (Draft)
Create a new rule called “Factions”:
There exist three Factions called BLO, GNO and MIC, respectively. For each one of these factions, there exists a Ruleset and a Gamestate to which those rules apply. Every rule existing in the Blognomic ruleset is considered implicit in each Faction’s Ruleset, even if not written on it. Rules existing only in a Faction’s Ruleset have no effect outside that Faction’s Gamestate and Ruleset.
This implies that a Player CAN win in a Faction, indeed becoming Emperor for that faction, but not for the whole game.
Create a new rule called “Membership”:
Each Player may belong to at most one Faction. This shall be tracked in a GNDT column named Faction. As a weekly action, a Player who is not the Emperor may change their Faction to any one of the three valid Factions. A Player is not considered to be so by a Faction’s Ruleset unless that Player’s Faction is the same as the Ruleset’s Faction.
Whenever a Player makes an official post with the text “[Faction]” at the beginning of its subject, then that post shall be known as a Faction Post and is considered to be made only within the context of the Ruleset and Gamestate for that Player’s Faction. Otherwise, it is considered to be made within the Ruleset and Gamestate of Blognomic as a whole.
Faction Posts cannot be made if the Player’s Faction has less than three Players.
Should leaving a faction be treated as “idle”, to that faction? IE: State is saved if they leave (ps would this mean immutable, in both the original ruleset or in these factions?).
If one or more values would be undefined when they return, it is set to the value new Characters receive, if such a value exists.