Saturday, February 21, 2009

Proposal: Bit of R&R

The pool table has arrived! Rejoice!

Reporting, Devenger.

(Reached quorum, 12-0, 1 abstain)

Adminned at 22 Feb 2009 14:27:57 UTC

Restocking is all nice and well when you’ve got enough attached body parts to carry the ammunition, but some Soldiers have been walking a little lopsided, clutching a bloody revolver in one hand and one of their detached legs in the other. High Command believes in the rejuvenatory power of a pool table and a top-of-the-range (our sources say) Sega Master System II; we may also be able to persuade them to throw in some bandages…

Remove the following text from Rule 2.9 Stats:

As a weekly action, a Soldier may set their Ammo to 60.

Add a sub-rule to Rule 2.9 Stats titled ‘Rest and Recuperation’ with the following text:

As a weekly action, a Soldier who is not a Friendly Combatant in a Skirmish may set their Health to 10, their Ammo to 90, and their AP to 1 if it is not already 1 or above.

Right now us walking wounded from the skirmish have no way of healing up. Also, more ammo will be needed when I propose new combat rules, and AP is hard enough to come by that few will use Stunts until the list of Stunts is finalised.


Wakukee: Idle

21-02-2009 11:46:15 UTC


dogfish: Idle

21-02-2009 11:57:41 UTC


ais523: Custodian

21-02-2009 12:18:32 UTC

for  arrow The price-to-benefit ratio for healing our soldiers seems to be better than aiming it at the defeating Enemy directly. Our soldiers are the best; giving them a bit of help is by far the easiest solution to win this war.

Gnauga: Idle

21-02-2009 13:36:45 UTC

for  arrow But suppose I want my heal and ammo boost at different times?

Klisz: Idle

21-02-2009 15:28:35 UTC

for  arrow  I’d like it if we didn’t remove the old reloading system, however.

Igthorn: Idle

21-02-2009 15:43:18 UTC


Kevan: he/himIdle

21-02-2009 15:46:55 UTC


SingularByte: he/himIdle

21-02-2009 16:18:13 UTC


arthexis: he/himIdle

22-02-2009 00:28:37 UTC


Rodlen: Idle

22-02-2009 00:38:15 UTC


Rodlen: Idle

22-02-2009 00:38:52 UTC

Does the enemy exist?

Darknight: he/himIdle

22-02-2009 00:46:14 UTC


Qwazukee: Idle

22-02-2009 02:55:57 UTC

for  arrow

Wakukee: Idle

22-02-2009 22:12:43 UTC

12-0 Enact it please.