Proposal: Brushcutting
Enacted 2-1, with 1 unresolved imperial DEF. Josh
Adminned at 13 Nov 2024 11:12:33 UTC
Remove “For each Genetic Engineer who Discovered a Codon which is currently present in the Genome, give that Genetic Engineer 1 Research.” from the Synthesis atomic action.
Remove the “Requirements” column from the table in the rule Mutations.
Remove the “Discoverer” column from the table in the rule Codons, and the text “and optionally the name of a Genetic Engineer (or idle Genetic Engineer) who Discovered them” from the same rule.
To the rule Research Points add the following to the end of the second paragraph:
If any Genetic Engineer has ten or more Understanding then the Genetic Engineer with the highest unique value of Understanding has achieved Victory.
Add the following to the end of the rule Dormancy Plus One:
When a Genetic Engineer joins the dynasty for the first time (i.e. becomes unidle having never been unidle previously during this dynasty) they may once gain 6 Research points.
I have unidled; quorum rises to 4
to the players on the victory condition. Seems hard to guess how long it would take to achieve victory with this win condition, but it has the potential to end very suddenly.