Sunday, November 24, 2024

Proposal: Busting Out Some Moves

Timed out, 3-1 with 1 DEF and Jury voting FOR. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 26 Nov 2024 22:18:29 UTC

In the rule “Moving”, add the following bullet points in the bulleted list after the text “The possible Moves are”:

* Slipstream: If there is a comment immediately prior to this one that is from a Snail other than you, set that Snail as your Target for this action, the Target’s Position prior to the action in that comment as the Start, and the Target’s Position after that action in that comment as the End. Increase your Position by the End minus the Start, which may be a negative result.
* Leapfrog: Randomly select a Snail from the set of Snails other than yourself whose Positions are less than the Finish Line. Set your Position to be 1 greater than the selected Snail.

Here are some Moves that benefit from waiting to use at the right moment rather than spamming. I’m aware that Slipstream would benefit two or more cooperative players. This is intentional.

I also know that Slipstream is worded awkwardly. I’m happy to take on better wording if anyone has suggestions.


Clucky: he/him

25-11-2024 00:57:38 UTC

So slipstream you just get to copy someone else’s result? feels rather strong. It doesn’t narratively make much sense if one snail goes from 45 to 50 and you use that to slipstream from 5 to 10

Leapfrog sounds fun, though also worried it kinda rewards waiting for others to move several moves and then you can leapfrog and catch up in one move

JonathanDark: he/him

25-11-2024 03:33:08 UTC

Slipstream is taking advantage of someone else “carving out the path” ahead of you. Yes, they may be 50 cm ahead, but they left a smoother trail for you, so you’re able to move faster in their wake. If you don’t like the copying part, I’d be open to changing this to something else, but the key in my mind is leveraging someone else’s Move for your benefit.

Leapfrog does in fact reward waiting for others, up to a point. Since it’s a random selection, you might wind up randomly selecting someone who’s still far behind the rest. If you wait too long, everyone else might reach the finish line and then there’s no one to select from. It requires some careful use.

Kevan: he/him

25-11-2024 08:49:24 UTC

So the message from Slipstream is “don’t take all your moves in one go, someone might copy you”, and the one from Leapfrog is “take all your moves in one go so that people can’t copy you”? That feels like a starting line standoff.


Clucky: he/him

25-11-2024 17:01:52 UTC

Like JonathanDark said on my proposal, “I’m open to the idea. If it doesn’t pan out, it’s easy enough to remove.”. Rather be more flexible with new rules at the start and if stuff breaks its not like there are vcs yet so its fine.

Raven1207: he/they

25-11-2024 19:42:24 UTC



26-11-2024 06:39:02 UTC
