Proposal: Can-Can Angst Kit
Times out 4-2-0. Enacted by Brendan.
Adminned at 02 Mar 2020 02:17:27 UTC
Delete the text of the rule “The Discrepancies [Alpha]” and give it a new subrule called “Scanning” as follows:
Scanning is a Discrepant Action and an Atomic Action that can only be taken if at least one Portal is open, with the following steps, which all occur before the check to see if a new Portal is opened:
- The Scientist who is Scanning (the Scanner) selects a single Portal in a Universe where they are present (the Scanned Portal) and rolls DICE13 in the Blognomic Dice Roller, naming the Scanned Portal and the Universe in question in the comment for that roll without naming any other Portals or Universes.
- The Scanner then changes the Star Sign of the Scanned Portal in all Universes to match the Star Sign designated by that die roll, in order from the list in the rule “Star Signs [Prime]” with 1 being the first Star Sign so listed and 13 being No Star Sign.
- If the Scanned Portal’s Star Sign would be set to No Star Sign, instead, its Strength is set to 0 in all Universes.
- The Scanner doubles the Polarity and Prominence of the Upsider.
- The Scanner sets the Polarity and Prominence of the Downsider to 0.
- All Scientists in the same Universe as the Scanned Portal, who have the same Star Sign as the Scanned Portal and who have a Polarity with an absolute value less than or equal to the Strength of the Scanned Portal, are moved to the Prime Universe.
Let’s make something happen.
Darknight: he/him