Proposal: Cantriptych
Passes at 12-1. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 12 Nov 2010 05:18:45 UTC
Add the following as a subrule to the rule “Spells,” with the title “Cartomancy”:
Difficulty Level: DIV 0
Effect: The next time the caster of this spell makes a Nomich play, they may add to it a single card of any suit, with a face value up to the total Spell Power in Divination of all participating Students (including the caster). This card must be denoted by [square brackets] and may not have a face value greater than K (13).
Add the following as a subrule to the rule “Spells,” with the title “Autodecapitatum”:
Difficulty Level: RNY 0
Effect: Set the caster’s Alive status to “Zombie” or “Ghost.
Add the following as a subrule to the rule “Spells,” with the title “Guardian Toothfish”:
Difficulty Level: BST 0
Effect: The next time the caster takes a Class Action in a Lesson, they are immune to the effects of all Disruptions in that Lesson.
. Among other objections, Cartomancy makes it possible for duplicate cards to be played.