Story Post: Case 30: Bananasoft v. Elizabeth
In this Defamation case, Bananasoft is accusing Elizabeth of going to the press and violating a gag order related to the Bloggsball incident litigated in cases 19 and 20.
In this Defamation case, Bananasoft is accusing Elizabeth of going to the press and violating a gag order related to the Bloggsball incident litigated in cases 19 and 20.
posted by pokes at 08 Jan 2019 01:25:00 UTC Comments (2)
Yes, this violation is clear, and the damages to the team spirit are high enough that the only fair fine could be $349,344. This case is closed. Bananasoft is the winner.
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Your Honor, this copy of Ms. Chamberlain’s opinion piece in “The Daily Times Post Herald” is a clear violation of the gag order in question. Especially egregious is her publication of Banasoft’s playbook, which puts our team at a disadvantage in future potluck festivities.