Proposal: Casing the Joint
Timed out and enacted, 5-1. Josh
Adminned at 01 Jan 2024 17:22:10 UTC
In the core rules:
In the rule Ruleset and Gamestate, change “rules which apply in special cases” to “rules which set metagame parameters for the current dynasty”.
In the rule Victory and Ascension, add the following as a second bullet point in the final bulleted list:
* Optionally specify any number of Building Blocks rules to remove or insert, as per the instructions in the Building Blocks section.
Change the now-third bullet point in the same list to read:
* Update the Ruleset to reflect any changed terms, repeal any dynastic rules which were not listed to be kept, and make any specified or automatic changes to the Building Blocks section of the ruleset.
In the Special Case section:
Rename the section to Building Blocks. Rewrite the text under the top-level heading to read as follows:
Building Blocks are rules that can be substituted in and out of the ruleset as needed, usually as a result of an Ascension Address. All rules in the Building Blocks section are ruletext.
Potential Building Blocks rules can be found at the Building Blocks page of the wiki. That page is gamestate and may not be altered except as specified by the ruleset or through the passage of a Proposal or CfJ; however, its contents are not rulestext. When the contents of the Building Blocks page are referred to as ‘rules’ by the ruleset or by a votable matter, it should be assumed that said contents are being referred to as potential rules rather than actual rules.
When a Grim Reaper specifies the Building Blocks rules in use for a new dynasty in an Ascension Address, they should specify (by name) the rules from the Building Blocks page that they would like to be included in this section of the ruleset; these rules must then be transcribed faithfully to this section of the ruleset, and any rules not so named must be removed. Some rules on the Building Blocks page are listed as being Recommended; if the new Grim Reaper makes no statement on Building Blocks rules to be included in their Ascension Address then the Recommended Building Blocks are considered to have been selected. The current Recommended Building Blocks rules are: Dormancy, Dynastic Distance and Mantle Limitations.
Collapse the text of the rule ‘Imperial Deferentials [Active] [Standard]’ into a single paragraph and make it a bullet point in the rule ‘Rules and Votable Matters’; then repeal the rule ‘Imperial Deferentials [Active] [Standard]’.
Add the following to the end of the rule Dynasties:
Unless otherwise stated by a dynastic rule, for the purposes of dynastic and Building Blocks rules, the Grim Reaper is not a Necromancer.
Add the following to the end of the rule Fair Play:
On the 24th, 25th and 26th of December, BlogNomic is [[#hiatus|on Hiatus]]. In addition, game actions defined by the core rules titled “Necromancers” and “Victory and Ascension” (with the exception of Voting in DoVs) may not be taken.
Repeal the rule Dynastic Distance [Active] [Standard] and the rule Seasonal Downtime [Active] [Standard].
For each Building Blocks rule that has the tag [Active] in its title, remove all of the tags in its title. For each Building Blocks rule that has the tag [Inactive] in its title, repeal it. If the Building Blocks page of the wiki has been altered since its first edit, revert those changes.
Throughout the ruleset, wherever it appears, change the term ‘Special Case’ to ‘Building Blocks’.
Special Case has been a long-standing bugbear for me. It is densely wordy, and in many dynasties the bulk of it is inactive and doesn’t matter. The tags are as aesthetic nightmare, and seem to cause problems about once every six months when we remember that titles are flavour text and thus the tags shouldn’t really do anything. The recent discussions around favours made me thing: what if it was more of an imperial-styles type menu that new emperors were expected to peruse and pick from?
Also bumping a couple of the SC rules into the permanent ruleset that never seem to get switched off.
Zack: he/him
This proposal can’t change the Core, Special Case, or Appendix sections because it doesn’t have any tags.