Proposal: Catapracticality
Timed out and failed, 1 vote to 5. Josh
Adminned at 15 Feb 2020 23:33:31 UTC
If the rule “Cataclysm” exists in the Ruleset, replace its first paragraph with the following:
Text inside of blockquotes in this rule is flavour text.
If both Universes are ever Cataclysmic, then all Scientists have failed, no Scientist may declare victory, and any Scientist can and should replace this sentence with the following block of flavour text:
No Portals exist and all Portals must be removed from the gamestate (including the Scientists wikipage). The contents of the Alpha and Prime Rulesets are considered flavour text. There is no longer an Alpha Universe version of any Prime-Oriented Scientist and there is no longer a Prime Universe version of any Alpha-Oriented Scientist. No Scientist may declare victory until neither Universe is Cataclysmic. This rule applies to both Universes.
I presume the idea is that if both universes become cataclysmic, the flavour text in blockquotes becomes rules text?
If that is the case then, at the moment, I’m not sure that is clear enough. Perhaps a minor edit to make it clearer that the blockquoted flavour text becomes rules text?
Otherwise i like it :)