Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Proposal: Catch Me If You Can

Timed out, 2-3 with 1 DEF and Jury voting AGAINST. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 28 Nov 2024 23:53:42 UTC

In the rule “Slugs” add the following at the end of the bulleted list after the text “The following Slugs exist”:

* Name: Iron Slug
* Movement Rules: If any Snail other than the Iron Slug has a Position between 2 less than and 2 greater than the Iron Slug’s Position during an Ongoing Race, any Active Player may make a comment in that Race containing the text “The Iron Slug reverses polarity” and then set the Iron Slug’s position to 35 plus DICE30.
* Extra Effects: The Iron Slug starts each race at a position of 35 plus DICE30. If any Snail other than the Iron Slug has a Position between 2 less than and 2 greater than the Iron Slug’s Position during an Ongoing Race, and the Slug of Death’s Position is less than the Iron Slug’s Position, no Snail other than the Iron Slug may move.

In the rule “Moving” add the following at the end of the bulleted list after the text “The possible Moves are”:

* Magnatron: If the absolute difference between the Iron Slug’s Position and your Position is no more than 20, set your Position to the result of the Iron Slug’s Position + DICE20 - 10

If there is an Ongoing Race, set the Iron Slug’s Position according to its Extra Effects as if that Race had just started.

This makes it worth making some Moves to get close to the Iron Slug and use it to boost your Position, but the Iron Slug’s maximum possible benefit is to get you 3/4 of the way to the finish if you’re really lucky and make it nearly halfway there through other means. Some players may want to manipulate the Iron Slug to attempt to force it to a worse position for other Snails.



27-11-2024 07:16:59 UTC

for More slugs is always better.

Kevan: he/him

27-11-2024 09:15:29 UTC

Have read this twice and I’m still not sure I get it. We get a big random leap move called Magnatron, but if you land next to the Iron Slug, the only thing that can happen next is somebody has to move the Iron Slug?

Darknight: he/him

27-11-2024 10:59:19 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

27-11-2024 15:02:47 UTC

It’s to ensure that the Iron Slug moves around when someone gets too close to it. This is to add some limits to spamming Magnatron if someone tries to do so to maximize its benefits. There’s a chance that they’d get too close to the Iron Slug and it will have to move away.

I’m not married to the idea, though. If it’s easier just to simplify it to moving the Iron Slug every time Magnatron is used, that would also work.

Kevan: he/him

27-11-2024 15:53:44 UTC

The Iron Slug moving away seems like a good thing, though, if you get close to it in a high position? It will probably to shift the Slug to a lower position, making the Magnetron action less useful for the players who take the moves after you.

against for the first-mover advantage and complexity.

Raven1207: he/they

27-11-2024 23:51:33 UTC

against per kevan


28-11-2024 18:51:12 UTC

against per kevan + a vague feeling that this somehow isn’t the right moment for adding this slug + the proposal will resolve faster