Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Proposal: Clarification Of Costs

Self Killed by Gwydion. Failed by Excalabur.

Adminned at 02 Nov 2005 19:50:14 UTC

I propose that the Powers rule reading:

Deities start with no Powers, but may create a new Power by spending 1 Quintessence and constructing a new Power from a combination of the components listed below, and giving it a name of their choice. Each component has a Worship or a Might cost - a constructed power must have at least as much Worship as Might. If a Power uses any Global Might, it must also have at least as much Global Worship. A Power may only contain one instance of each component.

be changed to read:

Deities start with no Powers, but may create a new Power by spending 1 Quintessence and constructing a new Power from a combination of the components listed below, and giving it a name of their choice. Each component has a Worship or a Might cost - a constructed power must have at least as much Worship as Might. If a Power uses City Might, either Global or City Worship may satisfy the requirements, whereas Global Might may be supplied only by Global Worship. A Power may only contain one instance of each component.

Unless of course my interpretation is wrong, or perhaps this could lead to easier abuse of Powers.



01-11-2005 22:35:05 UTC

against Needless, and conflicts qith “More Powers, Again”.

Angry Grasshopper:

02-11-2005 00:45:19 UTC

Where is the conflict?

Kevan: he/him

02-11-2005 11:34:11 UTC

against Mm, needless. And the conflict is that “More Powers, Again” will have removed the paragraph that this proposal is trying to amend.


02-11-2005 14:48:58 UTC

let me just kill this.


02-11-2005 15:27:16 UTC

I guess your wording would have made power creation more restrictive.