Proposal: Clarification Of Costs
Self Killed by Gwydion. Failed by Excalabur.
Adminned at 02 Nov 2005 19:50:14 UTC
I propose that the Powers rule reading:
Deities start with no Powers, but may create a new Power by spending 1 Quintessence and constructing a new Power from a combination of the components listed below, and giving it a name of their choice. Each component has a Worship or a Might cost - a constructed power must have at least as much Worship as Might. If a Power uses any Global Might, it must also have at least as much Global Worship. A Power may only contain one instance of each component.
be changed to read:
Deities start with no Powers, but may create a new Power by spending 1 Quintessence and constructing a new Power from a combination of the components listed below, and giving it a name of their choice. Each component has a Worship or a Might cost - a constructed power must have at least as much Worship as Might. If a Power uses City Might, either Global or City Worship may satisfy the requirements, whereas Global Might may be supplied only by Global Worship. A Power may only contain one instance of each component.
Unless of course my interpretation is wrong, or perhaps this could lead to easier abuse of Powers.
Needless, and conflicts qith “More Powers, Again”.