Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Proposal: Colorful Ports

Reached quorum 6 votes to 0, 1 unresolved DEF. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 09 Aug 2019 09:53:04 UTC

Change ports to:

A port has a name (a string), a location (a square on the chart), and an allegiance (a side). Ports are tracked on the Chart.

Each captain may have a home port, which is tracked in the GNDT as Port and recorded as the Port’s name.

The admiral may create all of the following ports, then set the home port of each captain to a port with the same allegiance as that’s player’s side, and then delete this paragraph:
*A port with a name of “Red Port”, a secretly random location, and an allegiance of Red
*A port with a name of “Blue Port”, a secretly random location, and an allegiance of Blue
*A port with the name of “Green Port”, a secretly random location, and an allegiance of Green
*A port with the name of “Auld Ancorage”, a secretly random location, and an allegiance of None
*A port with the name of “St. Passignano” a secretly random location, and an allegiance of None
*A port with the name of “Zahndorf” a secretly random location, and an allegiance of None
*A port with the name of “Mornington” a secretly random location, and an allegiance of None

Add to the list of Valid Orders:

*Change their home port to a port with an allegiance matching their side.

I feel like ports should mean something. they should be fixed locations that matter to more than one captain. They should have names, and they should be spread organically.

The names for the non-colorful ports are taken from past dynasties.


Thunder: he/him

06-08-2019 21:28:32 UTC

for Fixes the issues of the last Home Port proposal.


07-08-2019 00:30:33 UTC

A few questions: What will happen to existing ports that don’t have names, like mine? Default to be named blank or “0”? Does the Admiral add those ports to the Chart? How does that look?


07-08-2019 01:02:21 UTC

Oh, and the secret locations would be orphan variables, wouldn’t they? Known only to the Admiral, but not specifically tracked by him?


07-08-2019 01:04:25 UTC

Oh, or they are just randomized secretly, then revealed by being placed on the Chart.


07-08-2019 01:05:28 UTC


Kevan: he/him

07-08-2019 09:19:11 UTC

for Good to see some callbacks.


07-08-2019 11:25:59 UTC


derrick: he/him

08-08-2019 15:05:55 UTC


Existing ports that don’t have names will become orphan variables, and with the rule that created them, cease to exist. If you want to make a proposal to grandfather them in, go ahead.

“Secretly Random” means that the admiral gets to determine them using a private method of his choosing. See rule 4.2.1 . The results of this random selection will be tracked via the chart, as you explained.


08-08-2019 16:47:13 UTC

I suppose that’s true, since their rule would be gone. Thanks for the reply!


08-08-2019 17:56:07 UTC



08-08-2019 20:59:19 UTC
