Call for Judgment: Compromise mark 4: Again.
Quorum of for votes!!!—Rodlen!!!
Adminned at 19 Dec 2008 06:13:01 UTC
Re-enacted 3-0 by Bucky
Re-adminned by Bucky
Un-re-adminned by coppro as the vote was 0-0 due to every voter having idled since casting a vote
Adminned at 20 Oct 2011 22:52:28 UTC
Start a new metadynasty.
Repeal all dynastic rules. Fail all pending CfJs and DoVs.
Create a new dynastic rule, titled First Metadynasty of Rodlen, with the following text:
During this metadynasty, Rodlen is treated as the Narrator, but may only veto his own proposals and proposals that have been self-killed. The theme is Blo vs Gno vs Mic. This rule may not be removed until the First Metadynasty of Rodlen ends.