Proposal: [Core] Handshake Eggplant
Fails 1-5 with fewer than quorum not against. -Bucky
Adminned at 07 Feb 2021 02:46:53 UTC
In “Tags”, replace
Votable Matters have zero or more tags. Tags are represented in the title of a Votable Matter with the format “[X]” (e.g. “[Core] Wording Fix”, where “[Core]” is the tag). Votable Matters require the “[Core]” tag in order to make changes to the Core Rules, the “[Special Case]” tag in order to make changes to the Special Case Rules and the “[Appendix]” tag in order to make changes to the Appendix Rules. Votable Matters other than DoVs require the “[Victory]” tag in order to grant victory to an Emperor.
Votable Matters have zero or more tags. Tags are represented in the title of a Votable Matter with the format “[X]” (e.g. “[Metadynastic] Wording Fix”, where “[Metadynastic]” is the tag). Votable Matters require the “[Metadynastic]” tag in order to make changes outside the Dynastic rules.
Josh: he/they