Proposal: Crisis on Exactly Two Blognomics
Reached quorum 8 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 14 Feb 2020 17:05:23 UTC
Add a new rule to the ruleset, entitled Portals:
Whenever any Scientist takes a Discrepant Action, they must roll DICE12. On a result of 12, a Portal is opened. The Scientist whose action provoked the opening of a Portal is responsible for then carrying out the following atomic action:
* Give the Portal a name, made up of one of the names of their choice from this page and a random 4-digit number;
* Randomly select a Star Sign for that Portal;
* Set the Portal’s Strength, which is the result of a DICEx roll where x is the current Crisis;
* Set the Portal’s Source as the Universe to which the Scientist who provoked its opening is Oriented, or a random Universe if they are Balanced;
* Make a story post to the blog announcing the opening of a new Portal, and update the Scientists page of the wiki with the name, Source, Star Sign and Strength of the new Portal.
Add a new rule to the ruleset, entitled Mindflaying:
As soon as possible after Monday 10am UTC each week, any Scientist should, as a weekly communal action, Flay. Flaying is an atomic action with the following steps:
* If there are more than two open Portals, set the Polarity of all Balanced Scientists to either 1 or -1, seleted at random;
* Move the Polarity of all Prime-Oriented Scientists Primeward by a number equal to the number of open Portals with a Prime Source;
* Move the Polarity of all Alpha-Oriented Scientists Alphaward by a number equal to the number of open Portals with an Alpha Source;
* Double the Crisis.
Add a new rule to the ruleset, entitled Cataclysm:
If both Universes are ever Cataclysmic then all Scientists have failed and no Scientist may declare Victory. Any Scientist may repeal all Dynastic rules and immediately start a new metadynasty with a blank Ascension Address.
A Universe is Cataclysmic if it has a crisis value of zero, or if all Scientists in that Universe have a Polarity that is at the most extreme value for the Orientation of that Universe (-50 for the Prime Universe, 50 for the Alpha Universe).
Remove “A universe with a crisis amount of 0 is considered “cataclysmic”” from the rule entitled Budget.
Setting up a basic framework for a semi-co-op game loop, with Scientists trying to close portals as they open to bring the Universe back to a stable situation, along with a fail state: so many portals existing that it tears the multiverse apart.
Kevan: he/him
Picking a name from a list on The Encyclopedia That Anyone Can Edit and writing it into the ruleset is, of course, extremely scammable.
Are we sure this interacts okay with past usage of “Portal” to mean “thing that splits the ruleset when created”? I think we’re okay as the split is clearly framed as being “two universes now exist” rather than “an additional universe now exists”.