Thursday, November 18, 2010

Proposal: Diminished Divination Disaster

Self-killed. Josh

Adminned at 19 Nov 2010 06:19:39 UTC

If the Proposal titled “The Back Row” failed, this Proposal does nothing.

In the subrule of rule 2.5 entitled “Disasters”, change the bullet that deals with a disaster in Divination class to read as follows:

If a Disaster occurs in a Divination Lesson, the Students get a glimpse of their future. Each Student who has taken a Class Action in the Lesson either gains the enchantment “Precognisance” or, if they already have that enchantment, increments its Force.

Add a new subrule to rule 2.8, Spells, entitled Precognition:

Difficulty Level: DIV 2
Effect: The caster gains a “Precognisance” enchantment. If a Student has a Precognisance enchantment, then the next time that Student increments or decrements any one of their grades, they must remove one Precognisance enchantment and repeat the increment or decrement.


Ujalu, the unnecessary.:

18-11-2010 14:08:05 UTC


Kevan: he/him

18-11-2010 14:11:17 UTC

“If an Enchantment includes a number, that number is its Force.” - an Enchantment with no number has no defined Force, rather than a Force of zero. Although “Precognisance 2” doesn’t appear to be distinct from “Precognisance” anyway, in its effect.



18-11-2010 14:22:18 UTC

:Imperial: Per Kevan, and because Casting Precognition just before studying an Advanced lesson can make your grade rocket from D to A+.

That said, it’s not game-breaking, so I’m not completely against.


18-11-2010 14:26:54 UTC

imperial per Greytyphoon


18-11-2010 15:04:31 UTC

imperial (seems I shouldn’t write them manually =P)

Kevan: he/him

18-11-2010 15:24:47 UTC

[Greytyphoon] Manual voting only works if it’s in all-caps, if you’re trying to save time or bandwidth on a smartphone.

Roujo: he/him

18-11-2010 16:27:53 UTC

imperial I’m actually FOR, but if Brendan thinks it’s game-breaking I’ll follow his lead.

Josh: he/they

18-11-2010 16:54:40 UTC

I always feel like I should self-kill when a prop gets mostly DEFs. Does anyone else get that?

Roujo: he/him

18-11-2010 17:41:26 UTC

Yeah, me too. But I figure DEFs aren’t AGAINSTs, so they don’t oppose it. It’s either that they don’t care or trust the Emperor to make the good choice, so I don’t take it personally. =)


18-11-2010 18:22:13 UTC

imperial Long live the emperor!


18-11-2010 19:44:39 UTC

@Roujo: I get that feeling, but I get it because I feel that they don’t care, so it makes me think it’s probably a boring mechanic.


Roujo: he/him

18-11-2010 23:16:42 UTC

That too. I try not to think about that.


19-11-2010 00:16:49 UTC



19-11-2010 03:40:00 UTC

against I don’t really see how this is a disaster except for the player who causes it to happen and gives everyone else a bonus. As long as you make sure to study before you cast any spells this enchantment can only be good for you, as casting spells is the only time you ever decrement your own grade unless I’m mistaken.

Darknight: he/him

19-11-2010 07:11:15 UTC



19-11-2010 08:13:42 UTC


Kevan: he/him

19-11-2010 14:13:13 UTC

against CoV because “increments its Force” doesn’t really work, and I think we can wait and see how a serious Disaster plays out in practice, before diminishing it.

Josh: he/they

19-11-2010 14:19:08 UTC

against s/k for the queue.