Proposal: Do Thy Bidding
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 09 May 2016 12:19:22 UTC
In “Planning”, replace “If an Imagineer has any Planned Buildings in their Zone, then their bids on Demand Posts are ignored.” with:-
If an Imagineer has any Planned Buildings in their Zone, then they may not post bids on Demand Posts.
For each Planning post which was closed while it had a bid which was being ignored under the previous wording of this sentence, increase the Debt of that post’s Winner (ie. move its value away from zero) by X, where X is the difference between the winning bid and the lowest ignored bid.
“Ignoring” winning bids is currently a problem: if Mickey bids a ludicrously high 50,000 on something and Donald bids 1,000, but Donald then wins a different bid, Mickey’s old bid suddenly becomes valid (and probably due to be closed) again.
voting against for the same reason that Kevan proposed it