Proposal: Exact randomness III
3-0. Times Out. ~~ChronosPhaenon
Adminned at 17 Feb 2012 06:35:08 UTC
Rewrite rule Fame, so it reads:
Each Musician has a integer stat called “Fame†which is initially zero.
If there is not currently a pending Tour posted, and if none of the Tours made in the past 7 days (if any were made) were initiated while the Band Members were the same set of Musicians as they are now, then any Band Member may make a Story Post with the title “Tourâ€. The Tour is considered pending until the set of Band Members changes (either by a Musician switching from Band Member to Hanger On or vice versa or by a Band Member going idle) or until it is resolved by the Frontman.
The Frontman may resolve a pending Tour at any time. When the Frontman resolves a pending Tour, one of these 3 situations will occur:
I - If there are at least two Band Members with different styles, the Frontman must decrease the Fame of the Band Member who made the Tour by one and make them a Hanger On.
II - if all Band Members have the same style and there is exactly one Band Member who is Showing Off the Frontman must increase that Band Member’s Fame by B where B is the number of Band Members.
III - Otherwise, the Frontman must increase the Fame of each of the Band Members who is not Showing Off by C where C is the number of Band Members, divided by two, rounded up.
If either situation II or situation III occur, the frontman must reassign each Band Member a new style via the process used for new Musicians and all Band Members then become Hangers On (and thus cease to be Showing Off).
In any of the 3 cases, the Frontman must make a comment on the pending Tour as to which way he resolved it.
At any time, if the band has no members, the frontman must roll for dices I=DICEN J=DICE(N-1) K=DICE(N-2) L=DICE(N-3), where N is the number of Musicians. Then the Ith Hanger On as appears in the Current Active Player List becomes a Band Member, then the Jth Hanger On and so on, stopping if there are no Hangers On.
I’ve inverted the “otherwise” cases, to easy sorting out their conditions and remove ambiguity.
Darknight: he/him