Declaration of Victory: Final Score
Reached quorum with 4 votes in 12 hours, including the Referee. Closed by Kevan. I’ll post an Ascension Address in the morning.
Adminned at 15 Jul 2014 15:09:39 UTC
I have nine points, and no other Assassin has more points than me. Per the newly amended Rule 2.3, I have achieved victory.
Highlights include RaichuKFM’s bad luck with the random Targeting at the beginning of the dynasty, five Assassins turning up at G2 in the third round (two of which were placed there randomly and never moved afterwards) and, of course, Kevan’s excellent deduction and good use of his urchins and throwing knife.
Sprucial receives an honourable mention for almost getting Skju, but the chase brought them to the worst possible place when they became the Target of Kevan, whose urchins had Tailed him all the way from G2.