Proposal: food for thought
Self-killed. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 22 Feb 2011 00:05:45 UTC
Add a new rule, “Berries”:
berries are very tasty and good for you too. the amount of berries each caveman has is tracked in the gdnt. any caveman may spend 5 berries to eat them raw and gain one point of smartness. because the berries are very far away and hard to pull off the bushes cavemen may only collect them as a weekly action. when a caveman collects berries they can take two berries back in their hand so that they increase their berries by that amount.
I think the intention here is obvious.
ais523: Custodian
A weekly grind for the purpose of grinding up intelligence at the rate of 1 per 2 and a half weeks?