Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas! Today is Christmas according to Blognomic Rules, so… Merry Secular Holidays again to everybody! I hope you’re having a cool holiday, no matter where you are and what you believe in :)
Merry Christmas! Today is Christmas according to Blognomic Rules, so… Merry Secular Holidays again to everybody! I hope you’re having a cool holiday, no matter where you are and what you believe in :)
If “not refusing Christmas gifts from others, alongside feeling some obligation to reciprocate gift-giving towards certain family members” counts as celebrating, then I also fall in this category.
Perhaps we should have a mini-Blognomic game over Christmas:
“Blognomic Festivus!”
Heck, even non-Christians celebrate Christmas, with the exception of most Jews. I’m an atheist, and I still celebrate it.