Proposal: here i brought some more of me
timed out 5-0 with 1 def vote enacted by card
Adminned at 02 Jul 2018 05:45:40 UTC
Add the following cards to the list in Deck
# Spring Cleaning (3) [Spell] As an additional cost to playing this card, spend Thaum equal to the score of the chosen cards > Choose any number of other cards in your hand and draw cards equal to their number / Choose any number of other cards in your hand and draw cards queal to their number. Discard up to the number of chosen cards and spend 3 Thaum for each discarded card.
# Guard (2) [Person] May be attached to any community by spending an amount of Thaum no greater than 5 and replacing the X in the Up condition
# Highway Man (1) [Person] No constraint > Reduce the Economy of any community by 1 / Increase the War of any community by 1
# Mercenaries (3) [Person] Must have a friendly community with an Economy greater or equal to the average of all Economy ratings > Choose a friendly community which satisfies the constraint of this card, called community A. Decrease the War rating of a community which is Suspicious to you by half of the Economy of community A. Halve community A’s Economy. / Halve the Economy of a community which satisfies the constraint of this card.
# Flip (2) [Trick] Must be in a community with an attached card. As an additional cost pay an amount of thaum that you can pay. > Choose a number of cards whose score does not exceed half the amount of Thaum paid as part of this card’s constraint. Change those card’s state to Down. / Choose a number of cards whose score does not exceed half the amount of Thaum paid as part of this card’s constraint. Change those card’s state to Up.
# Road (3) [Structure] Must have 2 communities which are friendly towards you, each having a culture and economy rating above 2 > Choose two communities which satisfy this card’s condition, henceforth called A and B. Create two Road To X cards where on one card X is the name of community A and on the other card X is the name of community B. Attach the two cards to the aforementioned communities such that A has Road To B and community B has Road To A
# Wall (4) [Structure] Must have a friendly community with an Economy rating of at least 1 and a War rating of at least 1. This card can be attached to a community which satisfies the previous sentence. > When this card is first attached to this community reduce the Economy rating by 1 and increase the War rating by 1. Reduce any decreases to ratings of this community by 1. / Nothing happens.
# Mudling Temple (4) [Structure] This card can be attached to any Mudling community which has another Mudling card attached to it > The Ratings of this community are all considered equal to this community’s highest Rating / When a card causes a rating of this community to be reduced the Wizard which played that card must choose between the lowest ratings instead of the rating which the played card directed them to reduce.
# Mudling Robes (1) [Structure] Have a Person in your hand > Play a Person in your hand as if it were a Mudling card. / Play a Mudling Person card as if it were any other faction card.
# Caves (4) [Structure] This card can be attached to any Barban community which has another Barban card attached to it > This community’s War rating cannot be lowered / This community’s War rating increases by one each time a Barban card is played by a Wizard which this community is non-Suspicious towards.
# Barban Loincloth (1) [Structure] Have a Person in your hand > Play a Person in your hand as if it were a Barban card. / Play a Barban Person card as if it were any other faction card.
# Redlander Market (4) [Sructure] This card can be attached to any Redlander communtiy that has another Redlander card attached to it > This community’s Economy rating cannot be lowered / This community’s Economy rating increases by one each time a Redlander card is played by a Wizard which this community is non-Suspicious towards.
# Redlander Afgan (1) [Structure] Have a Person in your hand > Play a Person in your hand as if it were a Redlander card. / Play a Redlander Person card as if it were any other faction card.
# Grassfolk (4) [Sructure] This card can be attached to any Grassfolk communtiy that has another Grassfolk card attached to it > This community’s Culture rating cannot be lowered / This community’s Culture rating increases by one each time a Grassfolk card is played by a Wizard which this community is non-Suspicious towards.
# Grassfolk Toga (1) [Structure] Have a Person in your hand > Play a Person in your hand as if it were a Grassfolk card. / Play a Grassfolk Person card as if it were any other faction card.
Change ‘Text on a card which states “X community” where X is an attitude, means “a community which is X towards you” ’ to
Text on a card which states “X Y community” where X is an attitude and Y is the empty string or a Faction, means “a Y community which is X towards you”
Add “Structure” and “Object” to the list of card types.
In Deck change “The following bulleted list is a list of all legal cards” to
The following numbered list is a list of all legal non-Token cards
Create a rule called “Tokens” with the text
This rule contains card which are created by other cards for purposes of tracking information or for when using the played card is unfeasible.
The following numbered list is a list of legal token cards
# Road To X (3) [Structure] This card can be attached to a community when it is created by playing the Road card > When a person is played on X which changes a Rating, the Wizard which played that card may choose to do half of that change to X instead of to this community. / When this is first attached, increase the culture of this community by 1.
Change the Bridge Troll’s score to 3.
I used the default ratings and faction cards suggested so far to determine a sort of flavor for each faction
i’ve just finished and haven’t read 9spaceking’s proposal yet so i hope they’re compatible.
derrick: he/him
Guard is incomplete, having no up or down effect. No need to shred it, it just can’t be added.
Road is missing the down state, and so is not a legal card. Shame. I liked that one.
Flip doesn’t qualify the cards whose state you are changing, so you could change the state of any card. That said, I think these cards require a little much Thaum, so its not a big deal.
Caves should be updated to have Barban in its name in the future: right now its not a barban card. Similarly, I think “Grassfolk” was supposed to have something over it.
All your clothing is currently listed as structures. I think that’s an error. Also, right now they are a little weak, because playing a faction card has little effect on anything but caves: most of the time faction cards used by discarding them. Also, changing the faction type of the card doesn’t change their faction specific text. They’re still faction cards, which makes them useful.
None of these give me reason to vote against these cards, but I’m making notes so we can handle these cards correctly and possible fix them.