Proposal: I Am Tom Riddle
Passes 14-0. —Brendan
Adminned at 15 Nov 2010 10:55:26 UTC
Add a new rule, entitled Ascendancy:
Professor Abalone’s School of Witchcraft and Miscellany goes through cycles of Light Ascendancy, when the Headmaster and Alive Students have the upper hand, and Dark Ascendancy, where Lord Marvolo and the Zombie Students are more powerful. The school is normally considered to be in a time of Light Ascendancy. While the number of Loathed Deans held by all Students is at least twice the number of Loved Deans held by all Students, and the total number of all Deans is greater than 25, the school is considered to be in a time of Dark Ascendancy.
Add a new teacher to the Teachers list, called Lord Marvolo. His field is set to Unbridled Evil, his condition is Zombie, his Pet is set to “All Zombie students” and his Grudge is set to “All Alive students”.
Add a new teacher to the Teachers list, called The Headmaster. His condition is Ghost, his Field is “All Subjects,” and his Pet is set to “All Alive students.”
Add a new sub-rule to the rule “Teachers,” entitled Lord Marvolo:
Lord Marvolo is a Teacher. Lord Marvolo’s Grudges and Pets are not affected by any rule except this one. Lord Marvolo always has a Grudge against all Students whose condition is Alive. All Students who are Zombies are always Lord Marvolo’s Pet. However, when considering whether a Student is the subject of a Grudge by every Teacher for the purposes of Detention, Lord Marvolo is not counted unless the school is in a time of Dark Ascendancy.
As a weekly action, and only if no other Student has done so within the preceding five days, a Zombie Student may Channel Lord Marvolo by callling a Lesson under the same rules as regular Lessons. However, the Teacher of the Lesson must be Lord Marvolo, and the Subject must be Unbridled Evil. Students who are Alive may not Study in such Lessons, and Students who are Zombies may not Disrupt them.
Replace the first sentence of the rule “Grades” with the following:
Each Student has a Grade in each of the main Subjects: Beginner’s Alchemy (ALC), Wild Beasts (BST), Recreational Necromancy (RNY), Divination (DIV), Explosive Latin (LAT), and Unbridled Evil (UNE).
I liked where this was going, except for the part where I lost my job.
Josh: he/they
I only liked the part where you lost your job :(
Anyway, I’m not really sure what this does. The only difference as far as I can make out is that it becomes impossible to get put in Detention if you’re a Zombie. I suppose that’s not a terrible state of affairs - we can always add more stuff later - but it seems like a lot of work just to get Lord Marvolo in the ruleset.