Friday, April 05, 2024

Proposal: Idle Cooperative

Timed out, 2-1 with 1 DEF and Observer voting FOR. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 07 Apr 2024 18:31:43 UTC

Rewrite the Building Block rule No Cooperation, and the same entry on the Building Blocks page, to read as follows:

In this dynasty, Seekers are expected to avoid co-operating to effect Victory, except through the use of co-operative mechanisms defined in the Dynastic rules.

Idle Seekers are considered to be Seekers for the purposes of this rule.

If a Seeker feels that another Seeker has gone against this expectation in some way during the current dynasty, then they are encouraged to vote against all DoVs from that Seeker during that dynasty. If a Seeker feels that a DoV has come about as a result of one or more other Seekers making a sincere attempt to ‘kingmake’ for the Declarant, even if the author of the DoV was not a party to that cooperation, then they are encouraged to vote against it. This overrules the encouragement to vote according to the perception of a victory in the rule “Victory in Ascension”.


Kevan: he/him

05-04-2024 09:08:04 UTC

If we punish a player for being kingmade against their will, doesn’t that invert kingmaking into a kind of assassination mechanic?

Josh: he/they

05-04-2024 09:22:59 UTC

I suppose so. I’ll try out some wording to counteract that a bit; but prohibiting kingmaking is within the scope of this rule so I am keen to keep the spirit of the change alive if possible.

JonathanDark: he/him

05-04-2024 13:09:22 UTC

We can’t have it both ways, can we? I understand the argument that this could be weaponized to thwart a player’s otherwise legitimate attempt at victory by assisting them against their will, but if we don’t judge a DoV on its merits of whether or not ALL the rules were followed, then this No Cooperation rule doesn’t have any teeth.

There is a possible enforcement mechanism, which is account banning for not following Fair Play rules. That would cover even idle Seekers. It doesn’t help the hapless player who unfortunately would get penalized for something out of their control, but it’s more of a preventative measure. Few idle people would take the effort to perform a one-time player victory assassination. I don’t see it as being worth most peoples’ time, especially those who tend to be idle anyway.

Anyone who’s that extreme already has the ability to register for a new account, ask to be made unidle, and then cause all sorts of rule violating havoc before being banned, so I don’t see this as being any worse.

JonathanDark: he/him

05-04-2024 21:32:48 UTC


Nad: he/him

06-04-2024 14:59:22 UTC


Kevan: he/him

06-04-2024 15:24:22 UTC

against This looks like it’s still kingmaking-as-assassination.

If two players are vying for victory and a third performs some unprompted action to push one of them over the line, this proposal is saying that the pushed player will be barred from declaring victory. That means that their rival will almost certainly win instead.

I think kingmaker-prevention has always been more about avoiding creating mechanics that would allow a trailing player to make a big, cheap difference to the position of a leading one, than something which we build the machinery for but rely on etiquette to prevent the kingmaker usage of.

Josh: he/they

06-04-2024 15:48:55 UTC

The mens rea of assassination contraindicates this rule’s requirement of a “sincere attempt to ‘kingmake’ for the Declarant”.


06-04-2024 16:49:12 UTC

“co-operating to effect Victory” clearly includes things like voting for their DoV, so I recommend a Veto.

Kevan: he/him

06-04-2024 17:19:09 UTC

[Josh] There’s still the inadvertent assassination from players who have overlooked, forgotten about or misunderstood the No Cooperation rule, which won’t be much fun to be at the pointy end of, if somebody makes a bored but genuine “eh, I can’t win, I give all my apples to the leading player for playing a good game, let’s get this dynasty over”.

If we could have a magic rule to handle this, “kingmaking actions are illegal and must be reverted” would probably be preferable to “kingmaking actions are allowed but also punish the target”.

Josh: he/they

06-04-2024 17:30:17 UTC

@Kevan Yes, I considered the accidental use case when writing this, but my conclusion is that I don’t mind it as a side effect; it’ll happen a few times but the likely outcome is not that a player loses their victory but that the game gets patched by CfJ.

There is no wording here that covers every use case; for a start, there’s a huge difference between a situation where the accidental kingmake targets an already-frontrunner, one where it targets a close contender, one where it targets a no-hoper, and one where it targets a confederate. Mere “revert this, don’t do it again” is inadequate in several of those use cases, but a CfJ will be the likely outcome in many of them. In the meanwhile, preventing the game from ending and everything getting swept away in the uphold-upon-victory is really just a sensible backstop.

JonathanDark: he/him

06-04-2024 17:34:34 UTC

@Kevan also consider that this wording only says “they are encouraged to vote against all DoVs”, but there is no must, which leaves room to have subjective judgement on the situation, e.g. your hypothetical scenario.

Kevan: he/him

07-04-2024 16:33:35 UTC

[Josh] Kingmaking, more than cooperation, probably does have a clear definition - something like “performing an action which results in another player becoming able to declare victory where they couldn’t have done so before”. If it can be defined, we can kill it.