Proposal: I’ll be there for you
Fewer than a quorum not voting against. (1 FOR, 2 AGA, 3 DEF, 1 IMPDEF → 1 FOR, 6 AGA) Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 21 Aug 2020 10:49:48 UTC
When discovering a new location(and likewise a new distinct discovery) the pathfinder should travel there in person. This also means discovering a location should cost 1 extra stamina for travelling there.
Add to “Create a new location” in “Location” to be that of -
Daily action. Roll DICE8. If the result is higher than the number of Locations that are Linked to their current Location, then they may spend 3 Stamina to create a new Location with the characteristics set out above, set their location to the newly discovered location, then gain 2 Prestige.
derrick: he/him
They should travel there, but not pay three stanima. Traveling there can be quite inconvenient.
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