Friday, September 14, 2012

Proposal: I’m so tired of all this learning

Fails 4-7. — Quirck

Adminned at 16 Sep 2012 02:54:39 UTC

Add a new rule, “The Break”:

At any time on Saturday or Sunday the Professor may make a Bell Post. On Monday, if the Class is not on Detention, anybody may make a Bell Post. Anyway a Bell Post can be made only if no such post has been made in the last three days. A Bell Post is a Story Post containing “BELL” in the title, and any onomatopoeic word the Author may consider fitting to represent a ringing bell should be included in its body text. A Bell Post is considered Open if there is not a Back to Classroom Comment (acronym: BCC) on it. A BCC is a Comment to a Bell Post only containing the words “Back to classroom”. The Professor may make a BCC on any Bell Post, and on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays anybody can make a BCC to an Open Bell Post. Anyway, BCC’s can only be made on Bell Posts that are older than 48 hours. An Open Bell Post should be kept sticky.
If a Bell Post is Open, the Class is known to be having a Break.

I made this very messy because I wanted to avoid timing scams.
I’m going to define Class with my next Proposal, but not Detention.


Josh: Observer he/they

14-09-2012 12:06:02 UTC



14-09-2012 13:32:02 UTC

I don’t get it.


14-09-2012 13:43:24 UTC


Ragnar Danneskjöld:

14-09-2012 13:50:01 UTC



14-09-2012 13:52:35 UTC

Every weekend there’s the Break. That’s all. We can make some actions Break-only, my idea is an Achievement-oriented game in the week, and during the Break the children get a bit wild, mobbing and stuff (I’ve played a prisoneer dilemma like flash game about children bullism once it would be cool to try something like that)

quirck: he/him

14-09-2012 15:20:27 UTC


Clucky: he/him

14-09-2012 17:29:51 UTC

not sure I see the point… weekends already tend to be pretty light around here against


14-09-2012 17:56:02 UTC

Ok,  arrow  for desegnated weekend and weekday actions, but against  for being overly complex.


14-09-2012 17:57:30 UTC

This is not to lighten the weekend, but to add a weekly event during which you may do different things than usual. I thought the actions could be made by commenting on the Bell Post, but I prefer not making big “closed” proposals that define everything about a mechanic, so I rather posted the skeleton to see if anybody wanted to take it and add some meat.

Kevan: he/him

14-09-2012 18:27:47 UTC



14-09-2012 19:43:38 UTC

I do think it’s a good “skelly”.


15-09-2012 14:15:27 UTC

arrow  against per Bucky


15-09-2012 16:53:14 UTC

arrow  against