Monday, March 02, 2015

Proposal: In the Spring, flowers bloom, people die

Illegal proposal under the rule “Pace”; Ayesdeeef had “already made 5 Proposals that day” before posting this.

Adminned at 02 Mar 2015 23:41:30 UTC

In the Rule “Seasonal Changes” create a new Subrule entitled “Spring” with the following text:-

This Subrule has no effect unless the current Season is Spring

If every Townsperson has a Vegetable, an Animal, and a Furniture, and the Weather Condition is not Disastrous, and there are at least two Smiths, and no Townsperson has done so yet this Season, any Townsperson may Declare War.

If a Townsperson could Declare War and there are at least three Priests, they may instead Declare a Holy War if no Townsperson has done so yet this Season.

“I don’t know why people say a double-edged sword is bad. It’s a sword. With two edges.”
—Kamahl, pit fighter


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