Proposal: Infamy that does something
Reached quorum 9 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 29 Dec 2012 13:46:07 UTC
Add a new rule “Studying”, containing the following:
If a Believer is a member of one or more Cults, they may Study as a weekly action. To Study, a Believer can do one, and only one, of the following: Increase their Insight by 1 if they are a member of a Cult with an Infamy of Tolerated or Mistrusted; increase their Insight by 2 if they are a member of a Cult with an Infamy of Accepted or Disliked; or increase their Insight by 3 if they are a member of a Cult with an Infamy of Eminent or Notorious.
Offering a purpose to Infamy. Worded odd to prevent ambiguity for someone in multiple cults.
Kevan: he/him