Monday, October 08, 2012

Proposal: Just passed by…

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 10 Oct 2012 02:19:04 UTC

Rename the rule “Prefectures” to “


To allow scoring.

And what if i don’t want to become a Prefect…..


Josh: he/they

08-10-2012 16:25:59 UTC


quirck: he/him

08-10-2012 19:19:52 UTC


Josh: he/they

08-10-2012 19:31:29 UTC

Huh, why did you self-kill this?

quirck: he/him

08-10-2012 19:43:21 UTC

This would corrupt Kevan’s following proposal

Kevan: he/him

08-10-2012 19:48:41 UTC

... which also makes the same retitling. Sorry for the mess there, had written mine offline before you posted this one, but didn’t stop to think what effect yours would have had, before I posted it.