Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Proposal: Lets Talk about This

Sabotaged. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 28 Jan 2015 23:01:35 UTC

Add a new rule, “Compromise”:

If three or more Proposals have been Sabotaged in the previous seven days, then any Proposal proposed by the Mediator cannot be Sabotaged. If a Proposal which cannot be Sabotaged passes and the OI is at least 9, then for each Android,  the Ship’s Computer adds to the queue a S33R subroutine with that Android as the subject signed by that Android.


Kevan: he/him

28-01-2015 15:07:19 UTC

Still has the problem that the Humans can just repeatedly propose to repeal the entire Sabotage mechanism; the first three will be Sabotaged, and the fourth will stick.

The equilibrium of “Androids can Sabotage any Human proposal” and “Humans can vote down any Android demand” seems okay from here - every proposal and demand simply has to satisfy both groups somehow.


28-01-2015 15:12:02 UTC

Well, Josh can propose to repeal the entire Sabotage mechanism. If the Mediator is an Android…

Josh: he/they

28-01-2015 17:12:35 UTC

against Mostly for that second clause, which could out all of the Androids at once with a well-placed L0GS.

Brendan: he/him

28-01-2015 18:29:05 UTC

This is definitely going to pass and not get sabotaged, so why not. for


28-01-2015 18:52:39 UTC

Note that androids can use L0GS defensively to protect themselves.

Darknight: he/him

28-01-2015 19:13:57 UTC


Kevan: he/him

28-01-2015 22:27:37 UTC


Kevan: he/him

28-01-2015 22:56:11 UTC

veto This proposal has been Sabotaged.