Proposal: Like a Normal Person
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Failed by Elias IX
Adminned at 22 Dec 2008 20:20:25 UTC
In Rule 2.3 Membership, replace the text
Each Citizen may belong to at most one Faction (also known as being member of that Faction). This shall be tracked in a GNDT column named Faction. As a weekly action, a Citizen who is not the Watcher may change their Faction to any one of the three valid Factions. A Citizen is considered to be idle within each Faction that e doesn’t belong to.
with the text
Each Citizen may belong to at most one Faction (also known as being member of that Faction). This shall be tracked in a GNDT column named Faction. As a weekly action, a Citizen who is not the Watcher may change their Faction to any one of the three valid Factions or no Faction. A Citizen is considered to be idle within each Faction that e doesn’t belong to.
Add a new dynastic rule under the name “Like a Normal Person” with the following text.
As a weekly action, any citizen may Visit the Doctor Like a Normal Person. The action taker is referred to as the Visitor for the remainder of this rule. In Visiting the Doctor Like a Normal Person, the Visitor shall roll 1D4 and subtract the number resulting from the dice roll by 1. The difference shall be subtracted from the total fractures.